Will there ever be a basketball player as great as Michael Jordan?


Will there ever be a basketball player as great as Michael Jordan? image

Will there ever be a basketball player as great as Michael Jordan? originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and get insider knowledge. You can follow Quora on TwitterFacebook, and Google+.

Answer by Ben TaylorBehavioral Designer @ www.tayloredlife.com

In terms of on-court impact, yes.  
In terms of off-court impact, unlikely
In terms of legacy/perception, unlikely

1. On-court impact

Bill Russell arguably had a greater impact on the game and although he's oneveryone's short list of outliers, it's not like Jordan was leagues away from other contemporaries at his peak (eg Shaq, Olajuwon, Bird, Magic, maybe even LeBron right now). He also took a year off for baseball, leaving him with just 13 playoff seasons. With players joining the league younger and with technology/nutrition/drugs, careers are longer now...it's plausible to think within the next few generations of basketball someone will challenge Jordan's career value. (Which is also a way of challenging Russell's career value.) LeBron James can do this by sustaining his current level of play for a few years and then aging gracefully. 

2. Off-court impact

This has almost everything to do with economics, and secondarily has to do with media culture. Jordan had the right amount of exposure to constantly shine gold on his image, while he catapulted the league into a global climate with his Air Jordan/Nike Brand. There were to key factors for this: The emerging international growth of the sport, and a daily media culture (eg the Sportscenter era).

Number 2 is probably gone forever — we now live in an hourly media culture (blogs, twitter, websites) where stories are overexposed and saturated and, as a result, people's scopes and opinions are warped. Jordan punched at least two teammates during practice, and was gambling in Atlantic City the night before big playoff games. When LeBron James misses a free throw it's hyper-anazlyed for 3 days. The way fans process the game is simply different now which impacts brand.  

Number 1 also seems to have plateaued, barring free energy that ends poverty and requires the invention of a transporter to truly make the game global. 

Furthermore, everyone has a shoe, or a brand, or a logo now, so the monopoly Jordan had on branding is also out the window for anyone wishing to have such off-court impact/legacy. 

3. Perception/Legacy

Jordan's narrative will be hard to top — he created an aura of invincibility by  winning a title in his last 6 full seasons after failing to win one beforehand. This created the illusion that he "learned" and become unbeatable. This is an illusion, but nonetheless, it heightens the mystique around Jordan. 

He was also an aesthetically beautiful player. Not rugged and physical like Shaq or monotonous like Kareem. Tongue wag. Fadeaway. Slam dunk. No one will surpass him in perception/legacy if they don't play well on YouTube. 

For someone to top him in this area, they are going to have be an absolute physical freak and/or some kind of basketball savant. They must also look good while they play, and will probably have to contribute by way of scoring, as defensive players and creators are universally undervalued and under-appreciated.
