N.C.'s hard history lesson: The NBA has muscle and isn't scared to flex it

David Steele

N.C.'s hard history lesson: The NBA has muscle and isn't scared to flex it image

The state of North Carolina must have thought the NBA would never go through with it.

It shouldn’t have thought that.

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North Carolina enacted that vile anti-gay, anti-transgender HB2; the NBA said, “We might have to consider yanking the All-Star Game out of your state” … and the state replied, basically, “Yeah, so?”

So, this. Bluff called. Charlotte's 2017 All-Star Weekend, gone . They thought the NBA wouldn’t go that far. They were wrong.

Besides basic concepts like freedom, justice and equality under the law, the state apparently has a poor grasp of history, too. Now it's getting an expensive lesson. 

It has become commonplace to lecture athletes about their wealth and status being a privilege, not a right. The NBA just re-taught North Carolina that big-revenue events, like the league's annual midseason celebration, aren’t a right, either. 

MORE: Coach K calls HB2 'embarrassing' law

But, again, they should have already known that, after at least one other state learned it the hard way.

Back in the early 1990s, the NBA essentially crossed Arizona off its list of places to do business, pulling out its annual league meetings and refusing to consider the state for All-Star festivities. That was because of its stubbornness about creating a statewide holiday for Martin Luther King

(Yes, oddly enough, canceling or moving league meetings out of a locale on principle is an option. Apparently that’s not obvious to other leagues that won’t be named but whose initials are N.F.L. )

David Stern, Adam Silver’s predecessor as commissioner, simply had no interest in gifting millions to an entity that was so determined to be disrespectful to his league’s players, employees and customer base. The owners agreed. Jerry Colangelo of the Phoenix Suns was one of them.

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Stern's mindset then is echoed in the NBA's statement on this All-Star Game two-plus decades later: it cited "the longstanding core values of our league. These include not only diversity, inclusion, fairness and respect for others but also the willingness to listen and consider opposing points of view.''

Maybe North Carolina knew all of that history and simply thought the NBA was being the nice ones. Everybody else straight-up boycotted Arizona back then, including the NFL, which took the Super Bowl away from Tempe.

Arizona leaders thought they were being rugged individualists who wouldn't let a bunch of suits from the Northeast tell them what to do. Then America froze them out. Isolated them. Did the ‘90s version of Springsteen and Pearl Jam and Maroon 5, boycotted the state and made sure the world knew exactly why, and exactly what they weren’t going to stand for.

Arizona quickly decided that rugged individualism wasn’t as much fun as bringing sports, celebrities, attention and billions of dollars into the state was. The public voted to recognize the King holiday. Not long after, the Super Bowl and, yes, the NBA All-Star Game returned.

MORE: An open letter to N.C.'s governor  

There’s a price to pay for being the national face of bigotry and intolerance. Arizona decided it wasn't worth paying.

North Carolina hasn’t figured out that part yet. 

As a result, those bathrooms they’re so worried about are a lot emptier than they’d planned them to be this time of year. 

They’ll now be a lot emptier next February, too.

David Steele