Black people and sports analytics should not and cannot be exclusive clubs

Adi Joseph

Black people and sports analytics should not and cannot be exclusive clubs image

Michael Wilbon is a sports journalism legend and trailblazer whose body of work deserves respect. That needs to be said because, for far too long, these conversations have devolved into irreverent screaming matches between sides that simply cannot agree.

But Wilbon’s column Tuesday at The Undefeated about, in the words of the subhead, “Why blacks are not feeling the sports metrics movement,” fails to take its subject matter as seriously as it should have. This is an important topic that holds major consequences around sports — as well as business at large. It's about race, and it's about culture, and it's about age, and it's about the changing world.

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Wilbon’s column is thought-provoking but littered with his own strong and stubborn biases. That prevents it from coming across as fair or definitive. I've spent more than seven hours thinking about and reading others' opinions on this column, from both analytics and black points of view, but it's here that I should tell you that I am neither black nor an analytics expert, and that may be enough to make you close this tab.

However, in my reading and thinking, three major flaws in Wilbon's argument emerged.

1. Analytics have changed.

Wilbon doesn’t like the very construct of using stats to explain sports. That is fine. But separate wins above replacement from per-possession point totals for a second. The former is an admittedly dense construct used to determine overall value in baseball (and there are equivalent stats in every sport these days). Those, frankly, aren’t even worth debating. They can be useful, but they have major holes that cannot be denied.

Most of the important analytical resources now are like the ones Warriors guard Shaun Livingston discusses. They flesh out tendencies. When you say the Spurs aren’t as fun to watch as the Warriors, all we have to look at is pace (the Warriors are fast, the Spurs are slow!) and offensive and defensive ratings (the Warriors score the most, the Spurs allow the fewest) to provide real context for what we’re seeing. When you watch a hitter strike out on a curveball and reflexively say, “He never hits lefty curveballs,” we now can prove that.

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Most of sports analytics are simply trying to explain the game. When you ascribe real value to the numbers, you run into a litany of problems. Wilbon not only failed to delineate the differences, but also specifically targeted the types of statistics that really aren’t complex. “It’s like calculating points per 100 possessions, a very popular go-to stat in NBA circles,” he writes. “Why is that more important than points per 48 minutes, which is the actual time in which an NBA game is played?” Well, it’s simple: It’s the same reason you might hear — yes, even in a black barbershop — that the Spurs are not as fun as the Warriors.

2. The analytics community has changed.

This is an evolving process that each sport approaches at its own speed. Back in 2005, the turf wars between the WAR guys and the anti-WAR guys in baseball writing were miserable. They were vicious. They were full of name-calling — this mentality extended through journalism, in the form of bloggers vs. reporters that peaked with the famous Battle of Bissinger-Leitch.

But over time, with the help of people straddling both worlds such as Tyler Kepner and Joe Posnanski, wounds healed and the lines became blurred. No one really likes WAR that much these days, but most of the baseball world — fans and media alike — recognizes the point of it. And the analytics guys, now more focused on fielding metrics and PITCHf/x data, have learned that the non-SABR folks don’t need to incorporate a bunch of numbers to be smart, too.

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Basketball mostly got through that tough time between 2008 and 2011. John Hollinger’s influence at ESPN was a big help there. Hockey hostilities are beginning to slow. Soccer and football are probably still due for major backlash one of these days. But the point is, we really can all get along. We’re providing different things to different readers, but both sides need the contextual understanding of the other. You can’t write a good old-school column about whom the team you cover should sign if you can’t actually grasp which players make sense. And we’ve all seen those stats-driven pieces that ignore all context of how locker rooms and clubhouses work when demanding a leader and veteran be benched for a young guy with better numbers in limited context.

The sports media function in concert. We need each other. The nice part is, we’ve started to recognize that. (If you’re wondering, I’m currently occupying the space of bloviator who is writing way too much right now. Let’s get to that last point.)

3. This mentality leads to a cycle.

I believe — even without statistical evidence! — that Wilbon is right about two critical points: Black people are not entering the sports analytics field at the same rate that they are entering more traditional paths in sports, and it is crucial and important that sports teams use analytics more moving forward because they are not going away. But Wilbon wants to shield the people as a whole from the talk of those analytics, no matter how much teams use them in the background. That sets up an irreversible cycle of white nerds running everything. No one wants that.

Vincent Goodwill of CSN Chicago had a terrific look at the lack of minorities at the top of NBA teams’ basketball operations earlier this season. He noted in it that the focus on analytics is a potential hurdle for minority candidates, the result of what seems to be two cultural trends: a long-lamented but shifting lack of minorities in math and science fields, and the inherent biases that come from the history involved with that deficit. If we are to listen to Wilbon, if we are to acknowledge that analytics are not going away but that the “emotional appeal of sports resonates with black people” more than the analytics side, how do we balance our front offices?

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Wilbon brings up the example of old-school Larry Bird being the only GM to hire a black coach, old-school Nate McMillan, this summer. That’s a problem in itself, as the 30 NBA head coaches are whiter now than they were a decade ago, explored in an in-depth article before the season by Bleacher Report’s Howard Beck. These are troubling self-fulfilling prophesies in Wilbon’s world.

They don’t have to be. We can be more open.

Adi Joseph

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