Michael Jordan had a voice all along, and never used it

David Steele

Michael Jordan had a voice all along, and never used it image

Whoa there, Michael Jordan. Take your time. You don’t want to rush into anything.

Are you sure you don’t want to think this over a little longer? It took you three decades, give or take a year. Three decades to realize you can change the world, simply because of who you are and what you have the power to do. Why not wait a few more days? Or months. Or years.

Well, better late than never. Not much better, though. 

We all might be looking at a different world in the awful, wretched, deadly, hatred-laden summer of 2016 if Michael Jordan had used the platform in his 20s or 30s that he used Monday, in his 50s. 

MORE: Classic photos of Michael Jordan

The world was a mess then, too. The lives of black folks in America were a mess. The brutality, abuse and death at the hands of police who were sworn to protect and serve everybody, but who instead lived above the law they were supposed to enforce — that was happening then, too.

Nobody with the global impact of Michael Jordan was planting his feet, speaking his mind, putting his money where his mouth was and vice versa. 

Oh, some athletes spoke up. Celebrities, too. That’s all they were, though: athletes and celebrities. They weren’t Michael Jordan. 

Nobody was Michael Jordan, not even close, then even more than now.

Athletes are speaking up now. WNBA players who got ridiculed simply because they were in the WNBA. NBA players, many of whose careers have been defined by how much they’re not like Jordan, such as LeBron James and Carmelo Anthony. NFL players, the most disposable pro athletes we have, gesturing “Hands up, don’t shoot.”

They all beat Michael Jordan to the punch. LeBron was born six months after Jordan was drafted.

Who out there was still waiting for Jordan to take advantage of the fact that he was Jordan? There couldn't have been many. Those aforementioned youngsters are being the change they felt compelled to be, even if it took some coaxing and some extreme circumstances. Their generation is the one putting on that mantle.

Michael Jordan having the "anti-Ali" label as part of his legacy was just part of how we knew him now. He contributed in his own way. The criticism was what it was. He'd have "Republicans buy sneakers, too" attached to him forever. Energy spent getting mad about it now was energy wasted.

Except seeing him step into who he had the capacity to be, long after he left the biggest stage any athlete has ever had ... that feels like a waste.

Now it's impossible not to think: If you can do it now, you had it in you to do it then. And you chose not to.

PHOTOS: Athletes as activists

On Monday, in his statement to the website The Undefeated, he was generous with his words and his money and his sincerity. The $2 million he’s donating isn’t a small amount — except, realistically, to him; based on his estimated annual income via Forbes, that’s like the average American giving $1,060 (no other zeroes).

Know what’s bigger? The odds are that more people are aware today of what the NAACP Legal Defense Fund is, and what it does, than yesterday — because now, Michael Jordan’s name is attached to them.

Better example? This unrepentantly violent summer, and the acts of violence that preceded them in previous years, have brought a lot of organizations devoted to serious societal change to the public eye.

The Institute for Community-Police Relations helped convene a summit two years ago, in their words, “in response to events in Ferguson (MO), New York City (NY), and Cleveland (OH).’’ Those refer to the deaths of, respectively, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Tamir Rice. The summit produced a report that can be downloaded off the organization's website.

I had never heard of this group. Not until Michael Jordan gave it a million dollars Monday.

That’s how this works. That’s what being Michael Jordan does. That’s what he either didn’t get, or got and didn’t care enough to do anything about.

How many lives could have been changed, because Michael Jordan had talked about these groups, or others, 30 years ago, and gotten people to listen? Even if he had never given them a dime.

Maybe none, to be honest. The forces that are destroying lives in this country are powerful, deeply entrenched and resistant to even the slightest change.

Then again, we’ll never know what Michael Jordan’s voice could have changed.

Because he didn’t use it. Until now.

David Steele