LeBron James is basically the Kanye West of NBA Twitter

Troy Machir

LeBron James is basically the Kanye West of NBA Twitter image

If you follow LeBron James on Twitter and or Instagram, you are probably familiar with his penchant for cryptic messages and veiled criticism.

Just like the rest of his personal and professional life, LeBron is in complete control on social media, or at least that's what we've been made to believe.

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Everything he does, from choosing his lunch to sending a tweet, is incredibly calculated. That's why his recent string of bizarre posts is so puzzling. 

Last week, James took a mini-vacation to Miami to visit with good friend and former teammate Dwyane Wade. It was on this trip that he fired off a string of confusingly critical tweets, which prompted the media to ask questions about his status in Cleveland. James was not happy.

On Monday, he finally spoke about the tweets.

If you strip away the name and circumstance from these tweets and asked someone to identify the source, there is a good chance the person you ask would answer "Kanye West."

After all, West has spent the past two months spreading his self-prophecy via cryptic and confounding tweets. West is incredibly talented, and while he has always been seen as eccentric, he seems to be in the process of fully transforming into a paranoid recluse, convinced his mind is the only one of virtue and righteousness.

While James has yet to fully take the plunge into the deep end, he seems to be — at the very least — taking steps in that direction. And like West, James has an incredible grasp on brand control.

Is there a method to James' madness?

There has to be. It just doesn't make much sense right now. That's a side of LeBron James we have never seen before.

Troy Machir