Lakers' LeBron James shrugs off Dillon Brooks' Flagrant 2 foul and trash talk: 'This is not my first rodeo'

Gilbert McGregor

Lakers' LeBron James shrugs off Dillon Brooks' Flagrant 2 foul and trash talk: 'This is not my first rodeo' image

The individual rivalry between Dillon Brooks and LeBron James reached new heights in Game 3 of the first-round series between the Grizzlies and Lakers. With Brooks going as far as calling James "old" just days earlier, all eyes were on the two as the series shifted to LA.

As the Lakers cruised to a wire-to-wire victory in Game 3, Brooks' night ended in the third quarter after his low blow to James' groin was ruled a Flagrant 2, resulting in an automatic ejection. The foul was the culmination of a lead-up that included Brooks receiving a chorus of boos at Arena and an animated pregame conversation between the two rivals.

After everything that has transpired over the past few days, James took the high road and showed restraint when speaking on Brooks' trash talk and flagrant foul.

MORE: Dillon Brooks ejected for low blow to LeBron James

"Just focusing on the game plan," James said of the flagrant foul during his walk-off interview. "[There] was a lot of game left when that incident happened, so just trying to get up, protect my crown jewels, and move on to the next play."

When James made it to the podium, he was met with a new set of questions about Brooks' comments, including questions about a perceived lack of respect.

"I think my resume and what I've done for this league speaks for itself," James said. "I don't really get caught up in any comments like that.

"And at the end of the day, my focus is to my teammates, and I was trying to figure out a way how we can beat the Memphis Grizzlies, not how I can beat an individual on their team. If anybody knows me, they should know that's what I've always been about. And that's all that matters."

MORE: LeBron James vs. Dillon Brooks beef is heating up during NBA Playoffs

James was then asked about his pregame conversation with Brooks that TV cameras captured. According to the four-time Finals MVP, the decision to speak to Brooks at that moment was very intentional as the conversation wasn't meant to be a private one.

"It wasn't private, because everybody caught it — everybody saw it. Nothing private about it. It's very, very public. I like it that way," he said.

Before members of the media were barred from asking any more Brooks-related questions, James was asked whether he thinks his teammates took Brooks' comments as extra motivation to perform well in Game 3.

James, who appeared to go back into his mental Rolodex of times when he's been on the receiving end of comments similar to Brooks', caught himself as he was about to speak in depth on where he stood.

"This is not my first rodeo, I've had this throughout my career when you know certain individuals, you know, it's easy — it's literally easy if you want to …" James said before catching himself.

MORE: Fact checking Dillon Brooks bold claim about defending LeBron James

"We won tonight, let me not start, I don't want to start this. It's a lot … we won, [Anthony Davis] had a hell of a game, I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this."

As for Brooks, he declined to speak to reporters following the game. Grizzlies head coach Taylor Jenkins did not offer much when asked about the Flagrant 2 ruling.

And while James didn't give his take on whether Brooks should be suspended for his act, Grizzlies All-Star guard Ja Morant said, "With how they [the NBA] treat [Brooks], I wouldn't be surprised" if he is suspended for Game 4, which is scheduled for Monday, April 24, at 10 p.m. ET in Los Angeles.

Gilbert McGregor

Gilbert McGregor Photo

Gilbert McGregor first joined The Sporting News in 2018 as a content producer for Global editions of Before covering the game, McGregor played basketball collegiately at Wake Forest, graduating with a Communication degree in 2016. McGregor began covering the NBA during the 2017-18 season and has been on hand for a number of league events.