Joakim Noah should never again attempt a jump shot

Troy Machir

Joakim Noah should never again attempt a jump shot image

The Bulls' Thursday night road game against the 76ers certainly provided theatrics.

Nerlens Noel skipped out on the tip-off to use the bathroom, then hit hit his head on the backboard. The 76ers led 62-46 at halftime, but Jimmy Butler carried the Bulls back into the game. The Bulls outscored the 76ers 31-17 in the third quarter, and the two teams played evenly in the fourth, with overtime being needed to decide a winner.

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The Bulls won 115-11 and Butler finished with a career-high 53 points.

But somewhere in all that excitement, Joakim Noah attempted what can only be described as the worst shot of the season.

Noah's form has never been pretty. But this may be the ugliest shot of his entire career, and that's saying something.

It's a good thing Butler was there to bail him out.

Troy Machir