Jeremy Lin on failure, food, and free time

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Jeremy Lin on failure, food, and free time image

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Answers by Jeremy Lin, Point Guard for the Charlotte Hornets

Q: What do NBA players do in their free time?

Many NBA players enjoy spending time with family and friends because free time is so rare. Often times when we are on the road, we like to visit restaurants or places that are really particular to that area.

Many cities have cool restaurants, malls, or landmarks that are always interesting to visit. For example, in LA, I love to go to Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, or in New York, I love going to Sushi of Gari.

Q: What is a typical daily diet for an NBA player during the season?

My diet consists of healthy carbs, proteins, veggies, and fruits. For carbs I like to eat pasta, couscous and rice. All the meats I eat have to be lean and healthy like fish, chicken and steak. Every once in a while I'll treat myself to a very unhealthy meal which usually consists of going to multiple fast food places in one night.  

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My biggest no-no's are fried food, candy and soda. I'm a big snacker so it's hard to give up my normal snacking habits. If I could pick, I would always drink soda, eat gummy candies and devour huge bags of chips. My snacking habits have been changed to yogurt, trail mix, granola and veggie's the worst.

Q: How has Jeremy Lin used his personal failures and mistakes to grow as a basketball player and as a person?

Often times, failure makes me re-evaluate what I need to get better at, whether it is on the court or as a person. God has frequently turned my shortcomings and failures into life-changing experiences. 

For example, breaking my ankle junior year in high school taught me the lesson of humility and hard work as I watched my team lose in the playoffs without me. Before that happened to me I had a terrible attitude and was very arrogant. I was constantly getting kicked out of practice because of my attitude. 

During this time I also remember my older brother writing me a letter while he was away in college. His letter reminded me that my career could end at any time, and that all I could control was my attitude — that I shouldn't take basketball for granted. 

The recovery process seemed to take forever because all I could think about was giving my best effort and adopting a humble attitude in training. I am confident that without this lesson, my career would have been over a long time ago.

Q: What do NBA players do after games?

NBA players shower immediately after a game (or at least I hope so). After that, many players get into a ice bath or cryo chamber, stretch to regenerate their bodies, and then grab a huge meal. Typically I eat anything in my way after a game because I am so hungry from expending so many calories.

Q: How has Jeremy Lin been so successful even when so many people doubted his abilities?

I think God has empowered me in many situations and really opened the door for the perfect opportunities that have allowed me to overcome obstacles in my life. I can undoubtedly say that God has been with me every step of the way, giving me strength even when I didn't think I had enough to go on. 

For example, there were many times I thought about quitting basketball my rookie year, especially after getting sent to the D-league several times and again after getting cut from two teams my second year in the NBA. During those situations, God reminded me that everything happens for reason, and that He has a perfect plan and that my job is to glorify Him with my heart and work ethic. 

In addition, I have been blessed with an amazing support system. My family and friends have been with me every step of the way and have kept me grounded. While I was in the D-league, I remember my parents driving to every game in Reno, Nevada. Once they had to buy snow chains for our minivan tires in order to drive to one of my games since there was a snow storm coming through. They made it to the game by halftime!

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