Gordon Hayward posts intense workout video dribbling, shooting

Carlan Gay

Gordon Hayward posts intense workout video dribbling, shooting image

The Celtics and their fans have held out hope that Gordon Hayward will indeed comeback this season. 

On Friday, one of the most encouraging updates was released by the Players Tribune. 

The 27-year-old is seen going through an intense amount of shooting drills, looking to get back into playing shape. 

"We haven't pushed it that hard in a while," the trainer shouts at the Celtics star in the video. "Just ramping up again. You got a lot of ball handling, a lot of shooting. We just gotta keep building it up."

In December, Hayward was optimistic that he could make a return to the lineup. Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge said March would be "big-time" for the rehab as he'll run on an AlterG treadmill.

The Celtics are 0.5 games behind the Raptors for first place in the Eastern Conference with 19 games remaining in the season.

Carlan Gay