Elgin Baylor on Donald Sterling: 'Justice has been served'

Deantae Prince

Elgin Baylor on Donald Sterling: 'Justice has been served' image

Elgin Baylor is one of the most respected names in basketball because of his time as a star with the Los Angeles Lakers. For Baylor and others, the late '50s and early '60s wasn't an ideal time to be a black athlete whose lifestyle depended on travel. 

As a player, Baylor was relegated to subpar conditions because of his race. Then, long after segregation ended, Baylor subjected himself to subpar treatment for 22 years as general manager of the Los Angeles Clippers. He sued Clippers owner Donald Sterling for that treatment in 2009 but lost the case. 

MORE: Shelly Sterling plans to keep Clippers | Crawford named Sixth Man of the Year

In the wake of Sterling finally receiving a lifetime ban, Baylor spoke with CNN about his experiences as a Sterling employee. Baylor was one of many who reveled in the days after Sterling was punished. 

"Justice has been served," Baylor said. "I look at it that way. Justice has been served. Now they know what Donald is like, and things I said before about Donald were absolutely true."

As he referenced, Baylor has more knowledge about the way in which Sterling speaks in private than most. Baylor had a different experience than others when he heard Sterling make racial comments about Magic Johnson and Matt Kemp. For others, shock set in. But for Baylor, it was the same old Sterling. 

"When I first heard it, it just brought back memories of some of the things that were said by Donald," Baylor said. "It didn't surprise me at all."

Asked if Sterling was a racist, Elgin responded, "Of course he is. There's no doubt in my mind now. At the time I thought then what I think now — that he is (racist)."

There was a lot for Baylor to look back on. He recounted several instance in which Sterling made racial comments. One situation, which has become common knowledge, featured Sterling bringing women into the Clippers locker room and stating, "Look at those beautiful black bodies." Sterling's efforts to put black bodies on display had a certain plantation feel, and Baylor spoke out against it. 

"On several occasions, I told him not to," Baylor said of the comment. "The players were mad. They were upset about it, and I told him on several occasions. He kept doing it. Eventually, it stopped."

And while Baylor was there to experience Sterling's racism, he never felt direct backlash from it. Baylor said Sterling never made racial comments against him. 

"Not to me, personally," Baylor said. "Not to me, personally, no. I would have knocked him out."

Baylor does have first-hand knowledge of facing off with Sterling in court, however. And Baylor can see Sterling fighting the NBA on its decision to ban him from basketball. 

"Probably," Baylor said. "Donald likes the limelight, whether it's good or bad. That's the kind of guy he is."

Deantae Prince