Draymond Green's kick was unnecessary proof the NBA hasn't gone soft after all

David Steele

Draymond Green's kick was unnecessary proof the NBA hasn't gone soft after all image

You thought we were done with the ‘90s? Why did you think that? Donald Trump is in the news 24/7, and so are the Clintons. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are having another moment. Robert Downey Jr. is box-office gold. L.A. is buzzing about the Rams.

And the NBA has brought back gratuitous violence. Yay! We missed you, violent NBA!

Wait, sorry. No, we didn’t.

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The “old-school” wing of NBA Nation wanted that. The game they were seeing today, the kind the Warriors excelled at, the rest of the sport wanted to copy to keep up, and the fans embraced, was too “soft” for them. They got their wish, though. 

Not when Draymond Green drove his foot halfway up Steven Adams’ chest cavity on Sunday night, but when the league essentially sanctioned it by neither ejecting Green during the game nor suspending him for the next one.

This is the style the Barkleys, Pippens, McGradys and the other nostalgia-seekers thought this new, quick, jump-shooting NBA had abandoned. Maybe not this specific style, instant neutering mid-playoff game … but not far from it. 

And what do you know: Charles Barkley's happy the NBA didn't overreact to what Green did to Adams. Right on cue.

COUNTERPOINT: Why it's good that Green wasn't suspended

Once you start revering this type of play — once you take one element of the whole sport from that era and elevating it until it becomes the sole definition of the era — you open the door for it to be accepted. And then, in this case, for the public to applaud it and celebrate the complete lack of consequences for it.

An extra point on the flagrant-foul scale is a weak response to an act that, on or off the court, is simply unacceptable. As bad as that was, though, the rationalizations coming from Green, his teammates and coaches, Warriors fans and others in the Too-Soft-And-Watered-Down camp, were even worse.

For a kick in the testicles.

Seriously, that’s not the kind of throwback play this sport, at this time — or any time — ever wants. The world really didn’t miss that. Just that corner of it that was too much in love with beating the beauty out of basketball.

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That’s what’s most infuriating about the whole “softness” backlash against the Warriors: the effort to pound home the idea that in that period — when arguably the greatest wave of players ever came through the league — was all about mugging, body slams, clotheslines, “playoff” fouls, drawing lines in the sand, strangling offense and borderline-hazing of finesse players.

It was part of the NBA, for sure. It also often detracted from the excellence that really did define the league. 

Worse, it dragged the “NBA is full of thugs” crowd out from under their rocks, threw a scare into the league image-makers and, eventually, initiated the flagrant-foul system, the draconian leaving-the-bench rules for fights, and even, by extension, the paternalistic, patronizing dress code. 

(Let’s have a hand, by the way, for this generation flipping that code on its head. We’re looking at you, Russell Westbrook.)

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That’s what the old-school types are celebrating — when it was socially and universally acceptable to characterize the league as some kind of hardwood halfway house.

And that’s how you end up turning Green, an outstandingly versatile player and endearing personality, into some kind of hero for his utter gracelessness in kicking Adams, then for acting as if it’s business as usual in this sport. Everybody does it, anything goes.

It's not. They don't. It shouldn't. It should have been punished more harshly. 

And everything and everyone that encouraged it should have gotten back into their time machine, returned to the ‘90s and watched whatever game they’re in love with from their suite at the Trump Taj Mahal.

David Steele