Derrick Rose manages to force his rape accuser to reveal her name in court

Adi Joseph

Derrick Rose manages to force his rape accuser to reveal her name in court image

Congratulations to Derrick Rose, who won his bid Tuesday to have the woman accusing him of gang rape named publicly, according to The Associated Press. We want to make sure Rose can appreciate this, because he was so concerned about his own code of ethics amid a lawsuit in which he was, again, accused of gang rape.

Yes, U.S. District Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald decided in the pretrial stages to reward Rose's pleas and force the 30-year-old woman accusing him of gang rape to reveal her name as the lawsuit heads to trial. This comes as a result of the Knicks point guard saying in court that "Jane Doe" was not an acceptable moniker for a woman who has had "the best of both worlds—using a pseudonym to further her purposes while significantly prejudicing Mr. Rose's ability to fully and fairly defend himself at trial."

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"The best of both worlds" is not how we would describe a woman claiming she was raped while drunk and has suffered for three years since the August 2013 date of the alleged rape. (Rose claims that consensual sex occurred that night, but only after admitting that the woman had rejected group sex on multiple occasions previously.)

Rose may end up being exonerated entirely, cleared of all wrongdoing and liability. This woman, whose identity had already been outed by certain websites, may withdraw her story as the trial arrives. They may agree to a settlement and move on with their lives. No one is arguing here that Rose is definitely guilty or not guilty of that which he's being accused.

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However, the damage to his reputation has been done either way. Rose's testimony portrays him as someone who does not value women or respect lines. He also now comes across as, for lack of a better term, a slut-shamer. His legal team — which, make no mistakes about it, represents his interests and intents — has pushed the agenda of having this woman reveal her real name to the world for months.

The damages that come with that are significant. Even if she wins the case, at what cost will that money come? She certainly will have her entire life upended, becoming the woman who accused Derrick Rose of rape for the rest of her life unless she changes her name and protects her past identity. It's one thing if her name were to come out after a trial exonerated Rose. However, this is an alleged rape victim, and if it's proven that she was raped, her name cannot be erased from the Internet and the world at large after the fact.

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The judge that made the decision weighed all sides. It's hard to imagine that this decision would have been rendered in a criminal case, and the differences between civil and criminal cases are a huge factor in how this ordeal has played out. Still, Rose and his legal team have turned an embarrassing but manageable accusation, one that probably could have been settled out of court a year ago and forgotten by now, into a full-on disaster.

That's what this is. Rose comes across as a bit of a misogynist, at best. His public image certainly will no longer be the hometown kid who couldn't stay healthy despite being such a hard-working, great guy. He's on the Knicks. Think the tabloids will forget this? Think anyone will?

Congratulations to Derrick Rose, though. Big victory.

Adi Joseph

Adi Joseph Photo