Daryl Morey talks moneyball in the NBA

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Daryl Morey talks moneyball in the NBA image

How has the use of analytics influenced the way front offices build teams? Originally answered on April 15, 2016.

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Answer by Daryl Morey, general manager of the Houston Rockets:

In some ways, analytics, which I will generally define here as the use of data to improve decision-making, has not changed much in the NBA. With rare exception, to win the championship you need multiple all-NBA-level stars surrounded by a solid supporting cast. I think every GM in the NBA back to Red Auerbach in the 1950s knew this, and did not need any data to know this.

That said, how teams have gone about planning their team to acquire the all-NBA-level players and supporting cast has changed fairly significantly. In addition, teams have used data to heavily influence how they play on the court. With limited exception across all of professional sports, most big decisions on player acquisitions and style of play are made with at least some data being consulted. How much that data is weighted in the decision-making process is what varies — both depending on the team and on the decision that needs to be made.

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For example, as highlighted in the book "Moneyball," analytics-focused teams have been identifying and acquiring more of what the market undervalues. When I started in the league in 2002, draft picks were undervalued and the use of free agency was overvalued. Forward-looking teams at the time were acquiring more draft picks and using data to improve the success rate of those picks. They were also using free agency less given the high fail rate of players acquired through free agency compared to their salary.

On the floor, the play of the game has changed dramatically. The understanding of the general higher value of scoring in the early phases of the shot clock and from the 3-point line, particularly the corner 3, has shifted the NBA to take significantly more 3s and play at a much higher tempo ("pace and space"). On the defensive side of the ball, teams armed with data have become much more successful about defending certain actions in a way that minimizes the points of the other team. From the detailed info that someone like Shane Battier processed when attempting to slow down the other team's primary scorer (see Michael Lewis's piece "No Stats All-Star") to simple changes such as doubling the post at a much lower rate, as the pass out is almost always worse for the defense than the post-up player attempting to score.

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