In Robby Gordon family deaths, what happened is known; why is unanswerable

Ray Slover

In Robby Gordon family deaths, what happened is known; why is unanswerable image

We might never know why Robert Gordon decided to kill his wife. Or to kill himself.

For their family survivors, why is the ultimate question. Here's another: How to overcome a stunning turn of events that took place Wednesday in the Gordons' California home.

MORE: Racing community grieves | As news of Gordon deaths broke

Robby Gordon hinted at something frightful when he spoke to reporters Thursday, less than 24 hours after his father and stepmother were found dead. His pain was obvious; Robby Gordon fought to fight back his pain, his tears as he spoke to media members.

"The truth will come out, what went down there," he said.

No one outside of investigators and family members knew how awful that truth would be.

What we know now, according to police and an autopsy report: Robert Gordon, 68, an off road racer known as "Baja Bob," strangled his wife. Sharon Gordon was 57. Robert then turned a rifle on himself. And a couple who neighbors saw as loving, caring, generous and welcoming were dead.

Robert and Robby Gordon, via Twitter and USA Today

"There's no witnesses," police Lt. Fred Lopez told media members. "So that's something we have to put together piecemeal. We have some ideas. But it's all speculation. …

"We'll eventually come to conclusion," Lopez said. "But we may never really know why."

Those ideas are inconsistent with impressions.

"I can still see them walking hand in hand, walking their dogs down the street," neighbor John Reina told The Associated Press. "To kind of wrap your head around this tragedy is very hard to do."

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How does one handle such a thing? Robby Gordon is no stranger to difficult situations. He is a racer, spent nearly two decades in NASCAR, nearly won the Indianapolis 500, followed in his father's footsteps in rugged racing in Baja California. But nothing could have prepared him for this.

"This is very tough," Robby Gordon, 47, told reporters Thursday. "Not only for me, but for my sisters."

His sister Beccy also has racing experience, is married to Indy 500 winner Ryan Hunter-Reay, and hours before her father killed her stepmother and himself, delivered her third child. Joyful images and social media posts went up about the same time as an unfathomable family tragedy was unfolding. Congratulations became condolences within hours.

Sister Robyn and half-sister Haylee, Sharon's daughter, join Beccy and Robby in seeking solace.

While headlines turned to other events in Friday's news, focusing on the awful and the joyful, the trivial and the inane, Robby Gordon and his family stepped out of the spotlight. They began their recovery.

They continued to learn what happened. But they will forever ask themselves one question: Why? Even the answer will not stop their pain.

Ray Slover