Here's what Dale Earnhardt Jr. said in updating his health, NASCAR future

Ray Slover

Here's what Dale Earnhardt Jr. said in updating his health, NASCAR future image

Dale Earnhardt Jr. admitted Sunday that he has no business being in a racecar.

But he also said he is feeling better and seeing progress in his long, slow recovery from a brain injury. And, in the most positive statement fans could hear, Earnhardt says he has no plans to retire.

MORE: Career's biggest moments | Long, slow recovery | Retirement is out

Speaking with media members ahead of Sunday's Southern 500 at Darlington Raceway, NASCAR's most popular driver offered insight and information on his recovery from concussion-like symptoms. There were frightening words about his health, including his doctor saying Earnhardt was very sick when he first saw him in mid-July.

But there also were positives as Earnhardt discussed his recovery process, as Dr. Micky Collins gave details on Junior's treatment and progress, and as car owner Rick Hendrick spoke of his affection for Earnhardt, not just as an employee, but as a family member.

Here are comments, edited for brevity, by Earnhardt in his Sunday media conference.

"All the stuff and hard work we are doing is paying off. It's certainly fun to be here at the racetrack and to be able to see the team and be in this atmosphere that you get so used to being in week in and week out. I'm happy to be here today. I'm getting good exercise as we speak.

"It has been a real interesting experience and I've learned a ton. I have a lot of respect for Micky and his group and the direction that they are giving me is really working.

"I struggled with my eyes for a while and I'm starting to see improvements there which I was thrilled to wake up one day and feel a difference and start to see improvement there. Riding in a car or walking to gain stability is starting to improve, which was a major relief for me because that was probably the most difficult thing to deal with. My balance is miles better than it was when I first went to see Micky.

"It's been a good experience and I'm looking forward to getting well and definitely on the right track."

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On the disappointment of having his season end

"When we first went to see Micky I anticipated the experience to be similar to what I had in the past. That we would work on getting better and it would happen in a relatively short period of time and I would drive a car before the end of the season. As we continued to get evaluated we realized it is going to be a bit more of a process.

"It's the right decision considering how I feel personally and physically. I definitely don't belong in a racecar today. You don't know how long this process is going to take and we want to be healthy and able to compete, but also we don't want to take any risks and reinjure ourselves or put ourselves in a situation where we can basically erase all the hard work that we have done to get better.

"I'm not hearing things from Micky that I don't already know about myself. I'm very disappointed.

"I would love to be competing with my guys. We are obviously out of the Chase and all that stuff, but I'm not really concerned about that. I just enjoyed what I was doing, enjoyed my job and have a great group of guys that believe in me as a driver. It's a difficult decision.

About not being at the track

"Any racecar driver would tell you if they are not in the car it's really weird to be at the racetrack. Even though I love to see my guys and I know they are happy to see me, I feel like a bit of a distraction and taking them off of their focus to get their car in tech and all that good stuff.

"I won't be able to not stay away from the racetrack. I have a vested interest in how well the team does, the future of the team and its success and I want to be a part of that. I want to be a witness to what they are doing and what we are trying to learn as a company."

Hendrick Motorsports general manager "Doug Duchardt prodded me to come to the Tuesday debriefs and it just feels really weird because I'm the only guy in there that really didn't go to the racetrack or drive a car, but it does help me to at least stay on the same page and up to speed with what the company is doing and what we are trying to learn. I understand the importance of that.

"Micky has said that I can basically do everything that I want to do and go everywhere that I want to go. The more I do the more I stress those systems. I'm trying, the worst thing I can do really is sit on the couch. I tell Micky I feel awesome when I'm at home, but any time I leave the house I lose about 20 percent if I'm rating myself on a scale from 1 to 100. He says do that more, push yourself and you will see those symptoms start to fade in those environments that are upsetting you. So, coming to the racetrack would be a great thing for me and it's just an odd feeling wondering what to do with yourself when you are there.

"I love watching racing so I was a fan before I was a driver, so I will figure out a way to enjoy it until I can get back in that seat."

On how his health has impacted his life

"Nothing has really changed. We're very fortunate that our plans are going to work out just fine. The first four or five weeks were really difficult. I was very ill and it was hard to enjoy even the simplest activities.

"But in the past couple of weeks, I've really gotten to where I feel a lot more comfortable about going out and doing and being out and about and being observed. I go to Target or somewhere and I have symptoms and I might stumble across the aisle or something, or need a little more sidewalk than a normal guy. But, I've got to put myself through those situations for that to sort of correct itself.

"Really, the anxiety and the nervousness of the whole process drive all that and makes it much more than it really is. And that's why I feel awesome at home because there's no anxiety or issues at home. You sit on your couch and almost convince yourself you're 100 percent. And then you'll walk outside and realize you're not. Or, you go somewhere and you'll have a symptom and realize that you've still got a ways to go.

"Amy's been great. She's been there every single day pushing me. Without her, this would be nearly impossible to go through. So, that's been awesome to have her with me every day, and available to help me. And she doesn't complain and she's right there with me doing all the exercises. She even does the exercises that I'm doing just to be healthy herself. But, yeah; we've got some great things that me and her are going to do this offseason that I'm excited about. The last several weeks have been trying to remove some of the stress and going week to week to evaluation to evaluation was very difficult. To have a definite plan where everybody is on board with, that Rick's comfortable with, that I'm comfortable with, that Micky's comfortable with has really made it a much easier process for me.

"But I get to go do all my sponsor requirements and appearances. I went to Wal-Mart for Mountain Dew this past week. So, I'm well enough to continue to honor my commitments with my partners. Really, the only thing I can't do is just get in a car and race. I can drive down the highway. Now that my symptoms have improved I feel much more comfortable doing that. Getting back to normal is right there in the near future. I'm getting better every day."

On driving to test his condition

"I definitely don't want to go into Daytona cold turkey. I would certainly want to get to a racetrack. What we did in 2012 was we took a short track car to Gresham and ran for a day with no data system on the car or anything like that. And I've talked with NASCAR, and they are completely comfortable with allowing us to go somewhere for a day. We've got to get in that environment and test those systems before we get the final sign-off. So, that would certainly be something that I would insist on happening before we went to Daytona for Speedweeks."

On his future

"I have the passion and the desire to drive. I enjoy it. I have an amazing team and a great owner. I'm in such a great position and am enjoying being a part of the sport. My heart is there to continue. And if my doctor says that I'm physically able to continue, then that's an easier decision for me to make. It's not something that I think about. We're trying to focus on just getting well and getting normal.

"So, I intentionally really put all those thoughts and concerns and consideration on the back burner until I can really just say that I feel normal. Getting normal and just having a good quality of life going forward for the next many, many years is the first goal. And so, I haven't really put a lot of thought into the future until I get well.

"But my heart wants me to continue and wants me to continue to be working with the guys I've got. I'm only 41. I think I have some good years left. I'm as good as I have ever been inside the car. My ability to communicated and drive the car and get everything out of it, I feel very confident. I feel like I'm still an asset to the team and to the company. Rick likes to say we have unfinished business. I certainly feel the same way. We have races to win.

"I'm very positive and feeling very good and am confident about the future."

Ray Slover