Why does the fastest runner on a track relay team run last?

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Why does the fastest runner on a track relay team run last? image

Why does the fastest runner on a track relay team run as the anchor?

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Answer by Jason BunstonRetired world class distance athlete. Three time Canadian record holder over 3k and 5k. Winner of numerous national titles and member of more than a dozen national teams competing in Road, Track and Cross-country.

I used to run track (1,500m/5,000m/10,000m) for many years and lived around this stuff daily.

It's not always true that the fastest runner is last. In a 4x400, the first leg is run entirely in lanes... and a third to a half of the second leg is run merged into a single file after the 1,500m start zone. Four equally matched 400m runners put onto a relay won't all run equal times. The race is won at the end, not the middle, so some tactics play into the race, although it's hard to tell since most runners appear all-out. 

The technical rationale, assuming a 4x400m race

You don't always want to be leading just at the end, so 2nd place would be a great place to be for the entire race windy or not, but races are never smooth affairs, so factoring in the differences between the 1st (all lanes, block start), 2nd (requires two handoffs, and half of race run merged, lots of jostling), 3rd (two handoffs, merged running conditions, tactical maneovers required to get into position for the last leg handoff, etc), and 4th (one handoff, all-out finish, varying finish requirements as you may be behind, in front, etc.) legs you can see that the fastest running might be the last runner as they're the only one that truly gets to run all out. That requirement may mean you put your best runner in 4th, but if you want your team to be way out on front for one or two legs, you might play your fastest runner 2nd or 3rd. It's up to you.

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Now the U.S. teams (being truly dominant when synced up) tend to have the biggest alphas/egos, and as such they make more mistakes — they tend to practice less. I've been on teams in the 1990s with some of our better sprint teams (Carlton Chambers, Rob Esmie, Glenroy Gilbert, Bruny Surin, and Donovan Bailey) and seeing them in action, it's safe to say that the alpha runners may run last, and that is a psychological result rather than a tactical one. If that means a better run so be it, but it's not a technical rule. Bruny Surin was a better corner runner, so he often ran corners, which better matched Donovan Bailey's top end speed. Genroy Gilbert often ran excellent back straights as it was the longest leg of the 4x100 if you took the baton at the early end of the handoff and handed off late on the next handoff. He ended up running a very, very fast 100+ meters with Esmie running less than 100m off a block start. Long story short it's practical to run your fastest last, but not always the best decision. 

(By the way), that team won the 1996 Olympic Games 4x100m and they were a very well organized and tight knit group for a long time.

Varying tactics? Case in point... 

I competed in track at Arkansas 1992-1996. We were perennial faves at the Penn Relays in the long relays (Distance Medley, 4x800, 4x1,500). My last year there I was put on the 3rd leg being one of the good 1,500m guys but not a finisher. My training parter of many years (Graham Hood — 3:33 1,500m at the time) was put last. You don't know the lineup until you field them, and you can't change the lineup once you're checked in and marshalled. It was obvious that the other teams had put in a last minute change to run their best runners 3rd. Being a very windy day the tactic backfired. I ended up in a pack, biding my time until the sprint to handoff. I ran hard to stay behind the fastest of the breakaways (Kevin Sullivan — 3:30-31 PB later) right to the handoff. Result?

His weaker teammate got the baton in first. I handed off the baton to my teammate (our fastest) who ran up the leader's backside and drafted him until 400m to go where he surged away for a 30m lead at the finish and the win. Easy peasy. The other runner could never have run away from him if he tried, and was running into a brutal wind to boot. The other alpha 3rd leg runners fell so far behind in that rush to handoff that they were 15-25 meters back at handoff, and due to the wind their 4th leg runners could not make up the difference since they weren't the strongest runners on the team. Had the other teams played their best runners 4th it might have been a different story 

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