Which professional sports league pays its athletes the most money?

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Which professional sports league pays its athletes the most money? image

Which American sports league pays its athletes the most money: MLB, NBA, NHL, or NFL? Originally answered on March 24th, 2016.

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Answer by Bart Loews:

On average, the NBA pays the most at $4.9 million.

Baseball comes in second at $3.8 million.

NHL is 3rd at $2.5 million.

NFL is 4th at $2 million.

The reasons for this are manifold, the biggest of which is roster size. Even though the NFL as a whole made $7.3 billion in 2014, the rosters are the biggest of the Big 4 sports, with 53 people to pay. It should also be noted that of all the Big 4 sports, the players have the least power. No-trade clauses are unheard of. Contracts can be torn up at the whim of the team (this has cap implications, of course, but that doesn't help the players), while every other sport has guaranteed contracts. There is no pension or medical coverage for alumni. Practice squad players make a pittance. Many players flame out early, too, and either can't make the conversion or they get injured. While the players on average make $2 million, the median is probably far lower.

Basketball as a sport made nearly $5 billion in 2010 but the rosters only have 11 players on them.

Baseball actually made the most of the Big 4 in 2014 at $9 billion, again, due to roster size! It's only 25 people plus the minor leagues, which also bring in revenue and don't pay very well. Baseball is also the only sport of the Big 4 that doesn't have a salary cap, allowing players to command huge salaries. The length of the season and regional TV deals along with the sport's long heritage are factors that give baseball the lead in revenues.

Hockey likes to play coy about how much it makes, but its franchises are pretty well off. In 2011 the NHL brought in $2.3 billion, and has an active / inactive roster size of 23, allowing them to pay more than the NFL, which made over 3 times as much.

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