What role does your dominant hand play in your golf swing?

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What role does your dominant hand play in your golf swing? image

What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing with the dominant hand on top in golf? Originally answered Feb. 2, 2015.

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Answer by Oli Tucker, PGA professional:

Great question, and maybe there's not enough research out there on this in sports. There is a lot of general "Why are we left-handed" info around and most researchers agree this is due to biological and genetic causes. 

Why, though, are right-handed golfers called right-handed golfers when arguably the most important hand on the club (or certainly the hand that has most contact with the club) is their left?

I'm also finding it increasingly common that many players will play "one-handed" sports with their dominant hand (tennis or even just throwing), but will then switch to a right-handed style when playing a two-handed sport like golf. Is this just because of the lack of left-handed golf equipment when they were learning the game? Cricket seems to be a good example of this; there are a lot of left-handed bowlers who will bat "right handed," meaning their dominant hand is on the top of the handle having the most contact. Makes a bit of sense. 

For me it starts from juniors, and even these days most kids will be given a right-handed club and copy what they may have seen. 

Getting back to the question of advantages and disadvantages, I find that this varies from player to player. Let's look at making a change in a golf swing. In this case we'll go for something simple like hinging the wrists on the backswing. As a coach, I might ask the player to do this and give reasons, practices and check points; however, when I ask the question, "What feels different?" I get various answers. It could be a change in feeling of the left OR right hand regardless of that player's dominant hand. How they hold the club and wrist strength also come into the equation. 

Various answers are common in all parts of the swing, opening or closing the club. How the player might release it and which hand feels like it's "doing the work" is always different. It's not only different from player to player, it can be different from day to day for the same player.

I would say that any disadvantages there may be don't warrant a change in sidedness of the player (other than severe injury). With a complete beginner (adult or junior) who has never held a club before, there are occasions where I will try left- and right-handed clubs (depending on feedback they give me regarding other sports). On these occasions, however, I tend to place more emphasis on how their body moves when playing each side rather than what their hands do.

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