What a bowling ball's specs mean for the dynamics of play

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What a bowling ball's specs mean for the dynamics of play image

How does the weight of a bowling ball and the positioning of the finger holes affect people's play styles? Originally answered on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2016.

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Answer by David Shi, 10-pin bowler:

There are two main ways the finger holes are drilled into a ball.

Typically people use their thumb, ring finger and middle finger. The balls are drilled to match this. Some people use their index finger instead of their ring finger, but this is not correct. To be fair, I have seen some success with throwing it that way, but it is not the norm.

One of the ways is conventional, which is what you see most of the time in bowling alleys. This is fit better for people who aren't curving the ball and are throwing it straight. It feels more comfortable to throw a ball straight with the conventional drilling.

The other primary way is known as fingertip. The balls are drilled so that the first knuckles of the middle and ring finger are in the ball, while the entire thumb goes in. This is usually done for custom bowling balls with the expectation that the bowler will curve the ball down the lane. It feels much more natural to throw a hook when the ball is fingertip drilled.

The weight of the bowling ball matters when the ball hits the pins. Too heavy and it will just plow through the pins. Also, you'll suffer damage to your hand/wrist while throwing it (which is why this is heavily regulated, and 16 pounds is the maximum). Even at 16 pounds the ball won't just run the pins over without bouncing off them, if the ball is thrown at a reasonable speed.

Too light, and the ball will just bounce off the pins. There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these.

Sometimes you get a tricky mini-split like 6-9-10. 6-10 is easy for right-handers (as 4-7 is for left-handers). To convert/pick up the 6-10, you throw the ball between the 6 and 10 pin so that the upon hitting the 6, the ball bounces a little to the right and hits the 10 pin. However, it will take more aim to also hit the 9 pin using this. Still, with a heavier ball, it might turn less after hitting the 6 pin, and then knock both the 9 and 10 pin down.

For a 5-10 split for left-handers the typical method is to throw the ball way to the left of the middle pin (the 5), and then hitting it on the side so that when the pin is hit, it will fly into the 10 pin (the one in the far right corner). This is pretty hard to do since the right spot needs to be hit at the right angle. Another method is to use a really light ball to hit the 5 on the right side, and then have the light ball bounce off and hit the 10 pin afterward.

Still, most people recommend something over 10 pounds or you will get little to no "pin action" when the ball hits the pins. Typically league bowlers use 14 to 15 pounds. I've definitely had success with under 14 pounds, though. Twelve- and 13-pound balls have worked just as well for me.

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