What is it like to play sports for Caltech?


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What is it like to play in a Caltech sports team?

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Answer by George HagstromB.S. in Physics at Caltech 2006

The first part of my answer will describe D3 tennis, and the last part will discuss my experience specific to Caltech (i.e. things that might or might not also be true at other places). The first part is important for background.

I played on the tennis team from 2002-2006. Caltech is in Division 3 for athletics, which means that the commitment that is required of athletes is not as extensive as would be required by a D2 or D1 team. There are also no athletic scholarships. Practices are two hours every day during the season, except I believe we had Sunday off in most circumstances. We were expected to practice on our own time during the offseason, and most of us took an optional tennis class during the fall semester. This class was a proxy for the in season practices and was run by the tennis coach and her assistant, and met twice a week for one hour. Observed practice outside the season was restricted by NCAA rules.

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We also had some weight training and a healthy dose of running to improve our conditioning. In case you don't have experience with competitive sports, the running was really serious and very difficult, and this would be the norm for any college team where conditioning is important. 

During the season we had matches once or twice a week. We typically played teams in our conference, the SCIAC, or other local Southern California teams. Lots of teams went on trips to our area, and we would often schedule such opponents. Every other year we went on a trip that would last 1 week. Approximately half of our matches were away matches, which could take a large amount of time depending on how far away the opponent was. 

At the end of the year there was a conference tournament, which was over a weekend and had multiple matches each day. Success in that tournament could in theory lead to advancement to a national tournament. Likewise, one week later there was an individual tournament, in both singles and doubles.

Much of that information would be true if I was describing tennis at another D3 school.

No matter where you go to school, and in what division they play, being a member of a sports team is a large commitment that will require some sacrifices. These sacrifices might be extreme at a Division 1 school, where the commitment required for sports might be more than six hours a day, but even at a D3 school like Caltech there were tradeoffs.

Social life at Caltech was centered around hou(v)se events and activities. If you were on a sports team you might have friends from the sports team, but your social life would still likely revolve around your house. Sometimes these things would conflict with sports, often in tricky ways. For instance it might be very difficult to spend a lot of time building your interhovse party, going to tennis practices, getting your work done, and sleeping. If you sacrifice sleep, as we all did at one point, performing adequately became difficult. Playing tennis was lots of fun, but playing tennis while exhausted and with pressure to win is not fun. Similarly what if your interhovse party (which you had sacrificed weeks of sleep to help build) was the day before a match? It would be easy to feel like you were missing out in such situations, or conversely it would also be easy spend the night partying and screw over your teammates. There weren't really that many such events so that you wouldn't feel like you were missing out if you missed one.

Similarly it could sometimes be hard to balance academics with tennis (this is almost certainly true at other places as well). Even in the trimester when I was not on the tennis team my personal workload was sufficient to keep me up all night at least once most weeks, and led me to average way too little sleep. During the tennis season this would lead to lots of practices where I was really tired and performing at a subpar level, and the same for matches. On the plus side, I felt that having regimented physical activity every day was helpful for my general health and well-being.  I don't believe that there is a difference between my grades during any of the three trimesters. 

Academics were the priority at Caltech, and the tennis coach was lenient if you needed to miss practice or even a match. I almost never took advantage of this. It was usually possible to get extensions, but there was no institute wide policy, so it was up to the discretion of the professor. Some had no respect for sports, so that if we were going to be travelling work might need to be done ahead of time or emailed from the road rather than turned in late.

For tennis, Caltech had good facilities. We had money to resurface the courts at least 1 time in 4 years, and there were lights (though they were not high quality). There was a gym with most equipment needed, and a decent running track. Generally speaking, other schools had a much larger athletic budget per student than Caltech, something like a factor of four. Despite that we never had a problem with our facilities. It showed in other ways, for instance we had one coach for both the men's and women's teams. We usually had one assistant, but during official matches there would be one person coaching for all the matches (if the men and women were both playing). Things like this could be a slight disadvantage. Sometimes we used extra players as coaches. We had some very limited sponsorship, but this was because we could never agree on a racket sponsor for the entire team. Shoes were a difficult issue also, but we had clothing and uniforms. Some other teams were fully kitted out and had very nice facilities. It varied a lot from school to school.

My memory is that the Caltech tennis team never needed try outs in the four years that I was there. We were on the edge of having too many people for the number of courts, but it never came to cutting people from the roster. I can't speak for other teams, but I think this was the norm at Caltech. I would say that it would be extremely rare for people to play a sport at the NCAA level in which they had no prior experience. For tennis this would be impossible as there is a large skill component that can obviate athleticism to a large extent. I am guessing that if I had decided I wanted to play basketball (a sport which I did not play at a high school level), I would not have made the team. I think I would have been accepted on the track team in something, these things vary depending on the sport.

The tennis team was at the middle of the road in the conference, and the conference was an above average conference. We usually won just under half of our matches, but finished 4 or 5 out of 8 in the regular season and in the final tournament. We would schedule some tough out of conference teams for practice. Sometimes we would be overmatched, but often the best teams played a slightly weaker lineup against us. Relative to our skill level, we were a little bit worse athletically than a typical team, the better teams were much bigger/stronger/faster, and the teams that were our equals in terms of the match score were just a little bit better athletically. We noticeably more athletic than the worst teams though. I think the better teams worked harder in the offseason on conditioning.

Playing on a sports team is not everyone's cup of tea, but it can be a lots of fun and a really intense experience (otherwise I think no one would do it). It felt really good to be playing college tennis even if it was D3. There is a lot of camraderie within the team. We rarely had a crowd, and if we did it was composed of people who weren't rooting for us. Most years we had a few really good results that we were proud of and that we remember later. We all knew that because we were from Caltech we were expected to get slaughtered week in and week out, so when we did well it was really great. Even though I think I could have been a better tennis player in college (had I had more time, sleep, etc), there are lots of things that our team did that I am still proud of 5 years later.

I mentioned a lot of difficulties associated with being a college athlete and a college athlete at Caltech. These had an indirect benefit: teaching responsibility. Having to be ready to go to practice every day, getting sleep before the matches, making sacrifices here and there to help the team be successful, making priorities, working during the offseason, tennis helped us learn these lessons (at least I think it helped make me a more responsible person).
