What is it like to be a professional female poker player?

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What is it like to be a professional female poker player? image

What's it like to be a professional female poker player? Originally answered on October 16th, 2011

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Answer by Maria Maceiras,  I play poker for a living

When you sit at a poker table there´s some information you can have at first-sight by only observing your opponents: their age, how they dress, how they arrange their chips, etc. A lot of things will give you a first idea of how that person plays. When there is lack of information, you can rely on stereotypes. 

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The girls stereotype is that we play more tight and less aggresively. That, in my experience, is actually pretty right... mostly when it comes to newbies. 

But the thing is, a good player will keep watching their opponent and confirm if the stereotype is right or not. So, you can assume at first, the girl on your table is an easy target, but you´ll have to confirm that by watching her play.

Since poker is a game where you have to mislead your opponent, being a girl and letting your opponents think you´re weaker could be an advantage when you´re actually stronger and a better player than them. But the thing is, this will only happen against bad, non-experienced players, since they´re the only ones who will be trusting the stereotype instead of the facts.

So, yes, being a female player is an advantage, but only against bad players; so it is not a big one, not nearly as much as the other edges a good player (male or female) have on a weaker opponent.

And if [the] question was more related to things like seduction or flirting on the table, well, first of all, that happens more in movies than in real games, and second, the same thing applies.  The only ones who will fall for that are bad players. 

Good poker players are clever, ruthless, and cold at the tables. They will judge their opponent based on his or her play, not on what he/she looks like. And they will smash a bad player, no matter if it's a girl, an old man, or even their grandma!

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