Which sports have the most unusual scoring systems?


Which sports have the most unusual scoring systems? image

Which sport has the most unusual scoring system? originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and get insider knowledge. You can follow Quora on TwitterFacebook, and Google+ .

Answer by Viola Yee

Sailing now has a simple scoring system, but when I recently tried to explain it to someone they were totally confused and only pretended to "get it."

In a regatta, a number of races are sailed. Usually at least three, but the organizers try to get off as many as possible, given the wind conditions.  And the regatta can go on for a number of days.

In each race, all the competitors line up on the start line, and go around the course. The position where you finish is your score for that race. So if you come in first, you get one point. Second is two points, and so on.

Your position for each race is recorded and the numbers are added up at the end of the regatta. Low score wins

If a sufficient number of races were run, as an added bonus, you get to discard your worst score. So if seven races were run, only your best six count.

Example: Say there are two races. You come in 1st and 3rd — and your arch rival comes in 2nd and 2nd. You both have 4 points are are thus tied.  Remarkably, there is no hard-and-fast rule for tie-breaking. Tie-breaking protocol is always specifically defined for each unique Regatta. The most common one is that the competitor with the most firsts is favoured. Or there can be another race sailed. Or the tie might stand.

Historically, there has been a LOT of twiddling in the scoring system. In the 1964 Olympics a high point system was used. 1st place would earn 1620 points (in Finn class) 2nd earned 1318 points and 3rd earned 1142. 1st & 3rd gets 2762, and 2nd & 2nd gets 2636. Again 1st and 3rd wins the regatta.

In 1968 this low point point-system was used.

1968 Olympic scoring system

For each class (ie each type of boat) a serie should consist of seven scheduled races. For each yacht the best six races will count. If only six races are sailed  the best five race will count. If only five races are sailed all five will count.

1st place: 0 points

2nd place: 3 points

3rd place: 5.7 points

4th place: 8 points

5th place: 10 points

6th place: 11.7 points

All other places: Place + 6 points

DNS (did not start): Place = No. of entered boats

DNF (did not finish): Place = No. of started boats

DSQ (disqualified): Place = No. of entered boats + 2"

In the 1968 system, a 1st and 3rd = 5.7 points; and 2nd+2nd = 6 points.  So the 1st and 3rd wins again in this system.  

Even  though 1st place now earns one point (not zero), getting a first is  still called "getting a bullet." Since a row of zeros on your score  sheet vaguely resembles a series of bullet holes you can say "I got straight bullets in that regatta" if you got first in every race.

Match racing (America's Cup) does not need fancy point counting because there are always exactly two boats in a match race, and they can only Win or Lose. Like hockey. And as long as an uneven number of races are sailed, there is no difficulty seeing who won the series.

Answer by Matthew Lancey

Australian Rules Football produces some interesting looking scorecards — here's an example from the match played on 14th July between the two professional teams based in Perth:

What’s happening here is this:

A match is divided into four quarters (1st, 2nd, 3rd and final, 30 mins playing time each) and each column of numbers is each team’s cumulative score at the end of that quarter – the score for the final quarter representing the score at full time.

The actual score in terms of the team’s total number of points at the end of the first/second/third/fourth quarter is the number in parentheses, which I’m sure many Quorans will already have realised is calculated as 6x+y, where x is the number before the period and y is the number after the period in each “cell”. So for West Coast Eagles’ first quarter, 6*2 + 3 = 15 points.

The x value for each quarter represents the cumulative number of goals scored up to the end of the quarter, for which the team receives six points each. A goal is scored if the goes through the two inner, taller posts off the foot of an attacking player without touching the posts or any other player. It can bounce through. 

The y value for each quarter represents the cumulative number of “behinds” scored up to the end of the quarter, for which the teams receives one point each. If the ball is touched (except for the foot of an attacking player) before going through by anyone it is a behind. If it goes through the two spaces between the inner and outer posts it is a behind. If the ball hits a post it is a behind, unless it hits the outside posts and then doesn't go through between the posts, in which case it is out of bounds. 

Also, the attacking team is awarded a behind (ie. one point) if the defending team causes the ball to pass between any pair of goal posts, a bit like an own goal in soccer, except that the defending team will often choose to do that on purpose to break the flow of play, the rationale being that it’s less risky to give away a single point than allow the other team to score six points. This is known as “conceding a behind." 

So it's not that complicated, because a team can basically only score either six points or one point at a time, but the way of presenting the scores is unique, as far as I know, in showing exactly how many points were scored by which method (goal or behind), and giving the cumulative totals per playing period as the match progresses. 

As an aside, AFL's a great sport to watch, on TV or live — it's a contact sport but it's very fast moving, without as many stops and starts as Rugby or American Football. Top players will run 7 or 8km during a match, often sprinting, and you regularly see the ball (ovoid, like Rugby/American Football) being kicked 50-60m by a player who's already running full tilt towards the goal. Teams gain control of the flow of play when a player catches it ("on the full" — ie. before it hits the ground) after it has been kicked a minimum of 10m, so you see all sorts of full-length dives or leaps in the air (sometimes "climbing" up the other team's players' backs to boost the height) in order to catch a ball kicked from downfield.

Answer by Deepak Dilipkumar


Hit a sequence of alternating strikes and 5-pin knocks, and you score 100.  Hit a sequence of 5 strikes followed by 5 5-pin knocks and you score 155!

I've had at least a couple of people ask me how the scoring works every single time I go bowling. To be fair to them, it is a bit weird.

Here's the gist:

You get two turns in each round to knock down the 10 pins, failing which, your score is simply increased by the number of pins you do knock down. This is fairly simple.

Here's where it gets a little weird: If you hit a Spare, i.e., knock down all 10 pins over the course of your two turns, then your turn in that round is10+the number of pins you hit in your next throw. For example, if you get the following sequence of hits in your first two rounds( 4 throws): 8/2, 5/3 (hit 8 pins in your first throw, the other two on your second, and so on), then your score in the first round is 15: 10 for the spare, + 5 which you hit on the next throw. The 2nd rounds score is 8, bringing your total to 23. Effectively, the score on the throw immediately after the spare is doubled.

If you hit a Strike, i.e., you hit all 10 pins on the first throw of a round, then your score in that round is 10+ the number of pins you hit in the next two throws. If your scorecard is 10, 5/3, wherin you hit a strike followed by a round where you knock down 8 pins, then the first round score is 10+5+3=18 and second round score is 8. Your total is 26. The score on the two consecutive throws following the strike are doubled.

These rules give bowling a very large emphasis on consistency. If you hit,say four strikes in your 10 turns, (which is quite good for a non-professional), then you'll get a score of 100ish. Whereas you'll see professionals knock up 250+ with ease, the only difference being they hit their strikes continuously. Consecutive strikes make a world of difference due to the scoring system.

Answer by Matija Herceg

I believe it's acrobatic rock'n'roll. In finals there are 7 couples/formations and each judge joins each mark from 1-7 to one contestant based on the place the judge thinks a contestant deserves. Ranking is calculated using ranking system, the contestant with the highest number of 1st place marks wins, in case of a tie 2nd place marks are considered and so on until each place is awarded.

Answer by Sujeet Gholap

Quidditch. The snitch is just worth so much that many times it renders the efforts of all players except the seeker worthless.
