Russia, five other nations deemed 'non-compliant' by anti-doping agency


Russia, five other nations deemed 'non-compliant' by anti-doping agency image

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has deemed Russia one of six countries to be in breach of its codes.

The All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) was provisionally suspended by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) last week following recommendations from an independent commission established by WADA.

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Russia has now been deemed "non-compliant" along with Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Israel and Ukraine.

Belgium, France, Greece, Mexico, Spain and 2016 Olympics host Brazil have all been placed on a "watch list" and handed strict conditions, which must be met by March 2016 to avoid sanctions.

At a WADA board meeting in Colorado Springs, Colo., Andorra and Israel were deemed not to have sufficient 2015 code rules in place, while Argentina, Bolivia and Ukraine were found to be using non-accredited laboratories.

Kenya had earlier been asked to provide answers about its own anti-doping program, although it is not yet under scrutiny to the level of the aforementioned anti-doping organizations.

Testing will continue in the non-compliant nations, although this will be carried out independently at the cost of the country in question.

These anti-doping organizations will not be permitted to resume operations until they "reinstall quality programs and are deemed compliant again."
