Rory McIlroy ruptures ankle ligament playing soccer with friends

Chris Littmann

Rory McIlroy ruptures ankle ligament playing soccer with friends image

Rory McIlroy, the No. 1 golfer in the world, announced on Monday that he'd suffered a ruptured anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) — an ankle ligament — "in a soccer kickabout with friends" on Saturday. 

McIlroy announced the shocking injury, less than two weeks before the July 16 start to the  2015 British Open at St. Andrews, in a post on Instagram.

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In his Instagram caption, McIlroy added he's working on rehab already, "working hard to get back as soon as I can." What McIlroy didn't say was whether this officially rules him out of the British Open. A McIlroy spokesperson said he isn't officially out, according to the BBC's report.

McIlroy, 26, is the defending British Open champion with four major titles in his career.

Chris Littmann