High school coach videotaped girls while they changed, police say

Sean Gentille

High school coach videotaped girls while they changed, police say image

Police in Michigan say a high school rowing coach secretly recorded team members while they changed.

Timothy Vallier, the men's head coach at Rockford High School, is charged with participating in child sexually abusive activity, using a computer to commit a crime and having child sexually abusive material, according to a Kent County (Mich.) Sheriff's Department news release (via the Detroit Free Press).

MORE: Athletes and crime

Vallier, police say, recorded girls as they changed in the crew team house. He's in the Kent County Jail on a $100,000 bond.

A video camera was found in the team vehicle, school superintendent Mike Shibler said in a text to team parents obtained by the Free Press. Shibler said he found out on the morning of July 8 and called the police. Vallier was arrested later that day.

"We immediately contacted the Kent County Sheriff’s Department and turned the camera over to sheriff detectives, who immediately began a comprehensive investigation. This investigation resulted in the arrest of crew coach Tim Vallier, who is currently lodged in the Kent County jail.  I need to emphasize that this is an ONGOING INVESTIGATION by the KCSD and, when allowed, I will provide you with updated information involving this situation."

Shibler told MLive.com that Vallier, 30, will not be permitted back on school property and is on unpaid administrative leave. His contract will not be renewed; he'd coached for the district since 2009 after passing a background check.

“I can’t answer that, I don’t know" Shibler told WOOD News Channel 8 when asked if there were more videos. "The only thing I know for sure is there was one video taken by this coach.".

“We are always going to be diligent and responsible when we hire people. Or when we accept people to serve as volunteers. The background check doesn’t catch something and obviously there wasn’t a reason for anything to be caught in the background check."

Sean Gentille