Pro wrestling and fitness trade secrets from Bobbi Billard

Quora (Quora)

Pro wrestling and fitness trade secrets from Bobbi Billard image

These questions originally appeared on Quora between April 15th and May 5th, 2015. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

Answers by Bobbi Billard, former professional wrestler (WWE, WOW)

Q: Is pro wrestling fake?

Yes and no. In regards to the moves done in the ring, with the TV show WOW (Women of Wrestling) it was like a dance routine and every move was scripted and practiced in advance for a month leading up to the show. With WWE, they do their matches live weekly and they are on the road traveling so they don't have time to rehearse a whole match in advance. The outcome of the match is scripted but the moves within the match are called to their partner in the ring and/or planned a bit backstage but it is mostly choreographed on the spot, based upon crowd reaction and a psychology of the match, which is learned. It's sort of like storytelling between the face and the heel and some people are better at it than others. 

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I equate wrestling to be much like being a trained stunt performer. In that sense, you are trained on how to land when you take these falls. And while you are doing certain moves, like a body slam for instance, it isn't really that person picking you up and slamming you to the ground like it appears. You are actually working with that person and planting off their thigh and doing a sort of handstand up into the air, using teamwork. 

With wrestling, things aren't necessarily what they seem. And while people may say that it is fake, I can assure you, from experience, that the bumps, bruises and injuries you get from doing the wrestling moves are 100% real.

Q: What should I do to get a six pack with a ripped and chiseled body?

Diet is the key to obtaining a six pack & muscle definition. Just workouts alonewill not get you there unless you are blessed with the genetics for being lean naturally. Building the muscles underneath will help but most experts agree that it is 75-90% diet.

Q: I have difficulty doing push-ups. What other exercises can help me lose weight?

Cardio and diet will help you lose weight. Although the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while resting so weight training would be something that would help you to lose weight. I'd say start out by doing something small every day that you can do (like jogging in place for 1 minute) and keep working your way up to doing more and more. You have to start somewhere and stick with it. Consistency with the diet and exercise will be the key to your getting results.

Quora (Quora)