Professional MMA fighter offers seven tips to throwing a better punch

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Professional MMA fighter offers seven tips to throwing a better punch image

What is the proper technique for punching someone in the face? Originally answered on Aug. 30, 2012.

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Answer by Nate Moore, professional MMA fighter for Strikeforce:

1. Don't hit your opponent on the top half of the head. It's way too hard for the long, narrow bones in your hand. Instead, aim for the throat. If you hit anywhere near there, the jaw, Adam's apple, mouth, or nose, he'll be hurting, but your hand won't.

2. Throw a straight punch. Most people swing wildly in a fight, but the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Gain the inside track by sending your fist from your face directly to his face. When your punch lands, your arms should be close to fully extended, thus extending your striking range and improving your punching power.

3. Land the punch with your inner two knuckles (index and middle fingers) and with your fist rotated so that your thumb points downward on impact. Power is transferred better there, and you're less likely to break your hand.

4. Relax your upper body and use speed instead of strength. You're not trying to knock down a wall, you're trying to deliver a wave of kinetic energy to the brain. A fast fist will arrive at its target sooner, and it will have more knockout power than one with less speed. Relaxing your upper body will help you gain speed; the muscles in your upper body will act like brakes if they are contracting.

5. Rotate your body. Use the torque of your body and core to efficiently propel your fist and arm instead of using your weak upper-body muscles. Be sure not to lean forward to generate speed and power; you will throw your body out of balance and bring your face closer to your opponent's fist.

6. Rotate your fist and keep your pretty face protected. To deliver the snap of the kinetic whip, you need to roll your shoulder up to your jaw, turn your thumb downward, and flip your elbow up. Doing so also protects your face on the side where you're punching. The other side of your face should be protected by your other hand.

7. Don't forget to pull your fist back to your face. If you leave your punch hanging, you'll be more exposed to your opponent's counterattacks. Pulling the punch back after it lands also gives your punch more snap and knockout power.

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