Watch a boxer drop his cell phone into the ring in the middle of a fight

Dane Carbaugh

Watch a boxer drop his cell phone into the ring in the middle of a fight image

During a recent fight between Marvin Jones and Ramon Luis Nicolas there was something extra on the canvas.

Not blood. Not a towel. Not spilled beer from an enraged ringside fan. It was a cell phone. 

Where did that cell phone come from, you ask? Why, look no further than the pocket of Marvin Jones.

The phone apparently popped out of Jones' pocket in the first round and the fight had to be stopped so he could put it away.

I think the shocking revelation here is that boxing trunks have pockets. That's my takeaway, at least.

Maybe Jones was distracted? Must have been because Luis Nicolas took care of him with a KO in the first round.

(Source: M1)

Dane Carbaugh