How to be a faster, better and stronger swimming competitor

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How to be a faster, better and stronger swimming competitor image

Apart from good body position and more pool time, what's the one thing a swimmer can do to increase speed? Originally answered on July 20, 2015

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Answer by Matt Behnke, who swam breaststroke at a Division III college: 

To increase speed, you need good body position and more pool time.

After those, there's body strength and technical skill (as much mental as physical).

I would define body strength as being able to use your body to generate torque. This is not using your arms to do a freestyle pull, but using your body to do a freestyle pull. This is not using your legs to kick, but using your body to kick.

You can call this a form of gymnastics strength. It's using your body as a crossbow, finding energy or strength from a chain of recoils throughout your body. I don't simply pull harder with my arms, I use my body to create more force through my upper body.

"Technical skill" is knowing how much force to apply during the stroke cycle's phases and applying it correctly. Many people work too hard in the water, letting force slip away instead of channeling it to move forward. Plenty of other people don't create enough force to reach the desired velocity. It's the little timing issues.

What you should do (if you're a non-lifelong swimmer):

1. Do 10x100s on 1:30. Once you can make all 10, do 10x100s on 1:25. Once you can make that, do 1:20 . . . 1:15 . . . you see where this is going. This set will hold you accountable to getting faster.

2. Get a coach. Or join a masters swim crew. This coached environment will hold you accountable to working on weaknesses.

3. Be consistent on time in the water and keep working on that body position.

4. Get more fitness. Simon Whitfield (an Olympic champion triathlete) said he won because he had more fitness than the other guys. Sure, you could swim, you could also hit the weights or crossfit or do MMA training or run or do yoga or whatever. Most people will see that a large amount of fitness correlates to a good pool time.

Also, there's a sad day where you want to get faster, but don't have the time or energy to invest in it. Your priorities are perhaps more invested in family, career or other stuff. It would be good to talk to a coach about realistic goals.

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