Here's why being a world-class athlete requires a certain degree of reality distortion

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Here's why being a world-class athlete requires a certain degree of reality distortion image

What does it take to become a world-class athlete? Originally answered on Feb. 23rd, 2013

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Answer by Carly Geehr, former USA Swimming National Team Member:

I can't speak with any kind of certainty about all world-class athletes, but I suspect my own story has notes that ring true for many.

There's a special kind of confidence required to rise to the top. It's hard to nail down all the ingredients, but there's some boldness in there, and a little naïveté doesn't hurt. You have to truly believe that you are or can be better than anyone else, which often requires a degree of reality distortion. Instead of finding reasons why you won't succeed, you find the reasons that you will. Past a certain point, everyone puts in the hard work; conditioning is rarely the deciding factor. Whatever you need to do to believe you're the best, that's what you have to do. Believe that you deserve it.

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I'll share my experience of qualifying for my first USA squad to illustrate. At the time, there were two National Championships per year: one in the spring and one in the summer. The spring championships were quite poorly attended due to their direct conflict with the NCAA season. At age 12, I swam at my first spring nationals and placed 7th in my best event - which was only possible because of the lack of competition. However, this became my baseline, and I wholeheartedly expected to place just as highly, if not higher, at the well-attended summer nationals. Having never attended summer nationals before, I didn't really understand that they would be much, much more competitive; I just decided that I'd make it happen and never looked back. Boldness plus naïveté.

Summer nationals rolled around, and I ignored what "should" be and decided that I was going to stay my own course. So I did. And I made the US National Team in the process, defying reason and finding myself ranked 14th in the world in my event. In retrospect, I doubt if I'd looked at the situation more rationally ("I'm only 12, everyone else has more experience", etc.) that I'd have had the outcome I did. The (over)analytical self has a time and a place, and that ain't it. Boldness and naïveté weren't sufficient, but I believe they were necessary. I'm not saying that in order to become a world-class swimmer/athlete, all you need to do is think you're going to beat everyone, but on the flipside, no one who truly believes they're going to lose comes out on top.

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