Men read horrible tweets to female sportswriters in video PSA

Steve Petrella

Men read horrible tweets to female sportswriters in video PSA image

There's always a real person behind the composition of a horrible tweet. And there's always a real person with real emotions on the receiving end of it.

Just Not Sports filmed a video PSA that shows how female sportswriters often get treated on Twitter in a much, much darker version of Jimmy Kimmel's "Mean Tweets." The message? "You wouldn't say it to their faces. So let's not type it."

Here's how it worked. Several men, who were not the original authors, read vile comments directed at Sarah Spain of ESPN and Julie Dicaro of The Cauldron. They struggled to get through them and some repeatedly apologized.

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Spain and DiCaro had seen these tweets — which were actually directed at them — but it didn't make it any easier. Though it's bleeped out, the language is graphic both in context and nature. 

Steve Petrella