Why eSports are sweeping the world

Rich Grisham

Why eSports are sweeping the world image

You’ve probably been seeing and hearing a lot more about “eSports” lately. Major television networks are broadcasting competitions, and even more mainstream media coverage is planned for the near future. This month, arguably the most important eSports tournament in the world is going on with the League of Legends World Championships in Europe. That leads to the inevitable questions from big-time sports fans – what are these things and why are they so popular?

The first question – “What are eSports, anyway?” – is the easiest to answer. Loosely defined, eSports are video game competitions. These can be anything from a local bragging-rights tournament in a video game store to those staged in 25,000-seat arenas, watched live by millions of people around the world. In practical terms, “eSports” refers to the competitions engineered by global organizations that culminate in big-money championship tournaments – dollar figures that can exceed $1,000,000 for winners.

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The second question – “Why are they getting so popular?” – is more nuanced. The biggest reason, according to a recent report by EEDAR, is that fans of games enjoy watching them played at the highest level. In other words, it’s the same reason that baseball fans love to see Clayton Kershaw blow fastballs by hitters or Chris Davis launch home runs; it’s fun seeing the top players in the world do what they do best. The difference with eSports is that you and I can’t throw a fastball 98 MPH – but we could easily fire up a game of League of Legends or Call of Duty on our computer.   

There are plenty of other reasons the eSports community is growing. All of the controversies, drama, and compelling individuals from the mainstream sports world exist in eSports as well. Top players move from team to team like free agents, retire and return to competition unexpectedly, and experience unlikely come-from-behind victories and crushing defeats. New challengers consistently emerge on the scene, ready to take down championship teams and generate compelling rivalries. The parallels with traditional sports and eSports are more numerous than many realize.

Perhaps the biggest different between traditional sports and eSports are the viewers. Unlike mainstream athletic competitions, which appeal to a broad range of demographics, consumers of eSports are overwhelmingly young and male. According to EEDAR, for example, over 70 percent of League of Legends (the most popular eSports game in terms of dollars and participants) viewers are males, and the vast majority of them are under 26. This means a couple of things, both of them appealing to advertisers looking to reach this young and lucrative market – the audience will grow as more youngsters are introduced, and as they get older, their purchasing power increases.

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Another common question is “Why is the word ‘sports’ part of ‘eSports’?” The simple answer is that it’s a lot easier to say ‘eSports’ than ‘electronic multi-player video game competition’. The arguments that often occur because of the term “sports” are silly, and detract from what many people enjoy. No one would argue that the best eSports players in the world are somehow comparable in physical conditioning to people like Tom Brady or LeBron James, but at the same time no one that knows anything about eSports would dispute that the top competitors are incredibly skilled, talented individuals. These competitors have to work harder than anyone else in the world to get to, and remain at, the levels required to participate in the biggest global events.

To be sure, there are a few eSports games and competitions that have separated themselves from the pack. League of Legends and DOTA 2 are the most popular, with their respective world championship tournaments resembling big-time sports in a number of ways. The arenas where they are staged, the announcers that cover them, the dollars they generate, and the numbers of people that watch them rival the Stanley Cup Finals and MLB playoffs. The games have been – and continue to be – fine-tuned to produce the most compelling matches possible by the professionals playing them.

Even as their popularity grows, eSports face plenty of challenges. Their competitions are extremely appealing to those who understand the games, but are utterly incomprehensible to outsiders. Designing new games for the market is a major challenge, as introducing variations on accepted and known experiences has been hit or miss.There have been admissions of PEDs by players - don’t laugh - in efforts to achieve focus and stamina above and beyond normal human capacity. And, finally, there is the persistent perception that eSports are just weird; why would a bunch of people get together just to watch other people play games, anyway?

We’ll be diving into a number of these issues this fall as we track the biggest competitions and follow the growth of eSports. In the meantime, check out the knockout stages of the League of Legends World Championships - going on right now - to get a feel for just how big these events can be.

Rich Grisham has been writing and podcasting about sports video games for over a decade. He is the host of the Press Row Podcast and co-founder of the influential sports gaming site HitThePass.com.

Rich Grisham