Sports' most influential faces look too much alike, but Colin Kaepernick would change that

David Steele

Sports' most influential faces look too much alike, but Colin Kaepernick would change that image

Year in and year out, lists like Sporting News' 50 Most Influential People in Sports are fairly homogenous — the most influential people come from the owners’ suites and commissioners' and CEO’s offices, and those are overwhelmingly filled by white males. Women are almost nonexistent, and the non-white people on the list are almost exclusively athletes, or former athletes at best.

This year’s SN50 list is no different. But if the perception of what is “influential” was different, or if the majority of voters came from a different pool, the list could shift dramatically. Sports business expert Kenneth Shropshire gave a perfect example when asked what might give the list a different look.

“Colin Kaepernick,’’ he said.

One member of the voting panel, former Raiders CEO and current NFL studio analyst Amy Trask, agreed immediately and excitedly: “Oh wow. Wow, wow, wow.”

SN50: See the full list of SN's 50 Most Influential People in Sports

Of course, Kaepernick’s sit-down and kneel-down protests against racial oppression had not begun when voting for the SN50 took place over the summer. But asked after the list’s unveiling, Shropshire — the Wharton business professor, sports lawyer, author and consultant to several major sports organizations — noted that athletes have more influence than even they tend to realize … and used the 49ers quarterback as an example.

“When it comes to influence on society, on who’s capable of effecting change, of changing attitudes, you do think of athletes,’’ Shropshire said. “You think of the Missouri football players. You think of Kaepernick. You think of John Carlos and Tommie Smith, going back to what they did. You think of the (Clippers) players  and (Donald) Sterling, too. You think of the effect they have with their platforms.

“It’s a different kind of influence — not a spending thing,’’ he continued. “What Kaepernick is doing, that kind of influence affects the world on a level that’s unlike what commissioners and owners and network executives do.’’

The dialogue Kaepernick started, Trask said, “is important, it is overdue, it’s healthy — and he should be on the list. And I’ll say right now, if we were voting on this 30 or 60 days later, would we put him on the list? I would have.’’

Yet his presence on the list would still stand in stark contrast to the names on it now. Just three women are on the list. Only 13 members are people of color. 

All of them fall into one of these groups: active athlete, former athlete or union representative appointed by athletes. Michael Jordan is the only African-American team owner on the list. The other positions that the members hold are the ones that are overwhelming held by white males throughout society … thus, for the most part, are the ones that likely would be named by any voting panel.

SN50: Look out, Nike: Under Armour aims to be No. 1

“It’s a snapshot of where we are,’’ Shropshire said, “and it’s a snapshot of the progress we don’t have.’’

The parameters of such lists haven’t changed much, he said: “It’s like when you used to see which positions didn’t have black players, the closer you get to the ball, the less chance you’d see us. There are plenty of black quarterbacks now — but when we talk about this, now it’s the closer you get to the money.’’

Clearly, as low as the numbers are now, Trask pointed out, they’re still better than before. She never hesitates to point out that the owner who brought her into the NFL, the late Al Davis, went deeply against the grain of the sport with his views of hiring, and of race and gender in general.

“When I began my career in the ‘80s, I was told at the time that I was the first woman who was not a wife or widow or daughter or some relation, that had ever been in the (NFL) owners’ meeting,’’ she recalled. “That was 30 years ago. We’ve seen a real slow evolution on that.’’

The NFL and its teams have hired women in executive positions in recent years, and the league office has been ahead of teams in minority hiring as well. The NBA still sets the tone for the rest of sports … and, Shropshire noted, the other sports have lagged badly. 

Tony Clark (Getty Images)

SN50: A look at who voted

“Baseball used to have the Jimmie Lee Solomons and Bill Whites, but now, that’s unlikely — you have to go to the union,’’ he said, referring to MLB Players' Association president Tony Clark, No. 35 on the list.

“And the NHL? They get a pass (on criticism), for some reason. I don’t know why.’’

“The world is changing more slowly than most of us believe that it should,’’ Trask said.

Thus, the look of lists like the SN 50 will not change overnight. Unless, Trask pointed out, what Kaepernick has ignited continues to awaken both athletes and those in the executive offices. 

“That certainly falls within the definition of influential,’’ she said. “If everybody voted again — that would be fascinating now.’’

David Steele