Where is convicted rapist Brock Turner's mugshot? (UPDATED)

Kami Mattioli

Where is convicted rapist Brock Turner's mugshot? (UPDATED) image

UPDATE 2: BoingBoing.net published what it says is Turner's mugshot taken by the Stanford Department of Public Safety the night of his arrest.

UPDATE 1: The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office released a mugshot Monday afternoon. It was reported as being from his arrest. It was, in fact, from his sentencing.


Brock Allen Turner was convicted on three counts of felony sexual assault in March, but the only photo that circulated on social media and via news outlets after his sentencing hearing on Thursday was a smiling portrait.

Where is Turner's booking photo or mugshot?

MATTIOLI: Judge's leniency compounds rape victim's suffering

Neither are being released to the public, a Stanford Public Safety spokeswoman told Sporting News via phone on Monday. Police in Palo Alto, Calif., where Turner's trial was held, told The Inquisitr that they did not have jurisdiction because they did not make the arrest.

The spokeswoman cited Government Code 6254, Section F  as the police department's reasoning behind keeping the mugshot under wraps. Government code 6254 requires that government agencies release full names and occupations of arrested individuals, as well as "the individual's physical description," such as height, weight, eye color and hair color, among other descriptors.

Section F exempts government agencies from releasing information about an individual in instances when the disclosure may "endanger the safety of a witness or other person involved in the investigation, or unless disclosure would endanger the successful completion of the investigation or a related investigation."

It's unclear how, exactly, that particular section of the government code applies to Turner, as he has already been convicted and the original investigation into the case is closed. The spokeswoman could not elaborate. 

Kami Mattioli