Athletes don't need to dope to break records, says Olympian Khadevis Robinson

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Athletes don't need to dope to break records, says Olympian Khadevis Robinson image

How is it possible for each generation of athletes to beat previous records and extend human physical capacity without doping? originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights. Originally answered on August 14th, 2016.

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Answer by Khadevis Robinson, 2-time Olympian and 8-time USA National Champion, NCAA Champion, and Coach, blogger at, on Quora:

Doping does not necessarily always give you something you don't already have; it allows you to get to what you already have faster and more effectively. For example, the potential is already there lying dormant, yet most people are not disciplined enough to put in the effort, time, and energy to build themselves up so that they can perform at that level. When a person take drugs, it accelerates certain things. Additionally, drugs can boost certain levels of hormones. All of these things can be boosted in a natural way, but it would take a long time. Plus, you would have to do the right thing, the right way, at the right time. Athletes are able to beat previous records and extend physical capacity without drugs in numerous ways.

  1. Technology. When I was a kid, there was no internet. I could not get on the internet and watch videos of my favorite athletes. These days you can find videos and interviews of your favorite athletes. This allows you to have have access to information such as training techniques.
  2. Diversity. There was a time when there were not many East African countries competing in the Olympics due to many factors. The athletes from these nations were too busy trying to survive to take time off to train and compete in the Olympics. When sports become more diverse, the times and the performances will get better and faster.
  3. Nutrition and Supplements. We now have the data and science to understand the role that proper nutrition and supplementation play. There are some simple things that can make a huge difference. For instance, if a person is low in Iron, it can have a very huge effect on their performance (this seems to affect women more). Getting iron supplements is not that difficult. Something that easy can be resolved, whereas in the past it would have taken longer to figure out the problem.
  4. Medical and Physio. The importance of massage and chiropractic work is huge. There was a time where chiropractors were looked upon as quack doctors. Now we know how important they are. We know how important it is to get a massage. Just this week, everyone has seen the importance of cupping and other new techniques such as acupuncture and dry needling, and there are many, many more similar practices that help athletes.
  5. Money. Where there is money, there will be improvement. I like to say that if all of the Heads of States in all of the countries in the entire world got an incurable disease, what would happen? The cure for that disease would be found. The reason is because they would put in as many resources as needed to solve the problem. When sports start paying more money or when there is a huge financial benefit, you are going to see an increase in great performances.

The human body is amazing. Think about it; it was made by God. If God can make the universe or an animal like a cheetah, why can't he make a human that can run a 42-second 400-meter race without being on drugs? The reason people are getting better is because people have to get better in order to win, in order to be recognized, in order to make more money, and in order to give the rest of us mortals something to dream about.

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