Review: EA Sports UFC 2 is a much-needed improvement on original

Bryan Wiedey

Review: EA Sports UFC 2 is a much-needed improvement on original image

The first UFC game from EA Sports, which released in 2014, was widely considered to be a disappointment. That was due in large part to its lack of a clear identity. EA Sports UFC looked like it wanted to be an authentic simulation, but the design decisions and marketing choices told a completely different story. The end result was that it failed to connect with any segment of consumers.

It was clear that lessons had been learned internally by the work that was done with that game's post-release support. Several patches made the gameplay more realistic while new fighters were added to fill out an initially anemic roster.

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EA Sports UFC 2 is the culmination of what has been learned the past two years, as the game is far richer in content, has a greater focus on authenticity, and is trying to please fans of the sport over those who couldn't care less about it.


MMA is inherently a complicated sport to replicate for a video game. The number of commands needed, that change depending on positioning and intentions, makes it unavoidably difficult to grasp and eventually master. With that in mind, EA did add Skill Challenges and Practice Mode for UFC 2, but whether that'll be enough to deliver a necessary level of comfort to those inexperienced with the series or sport remains to be seen.

Where the struggles for novices most occur are in the clinch and on the ground. With EA UFC 2, there is a new simplified transition system in place that involves pushing the right stick a certain direction. It works well when on offense, and provides incentive to knowing what each fighter can do in each situation as that's an advantage over waiting for the hub to appear on screen. It isn't as friendly when trying to block transitions however, as visual cues are limited for what should be done to stop an opponent from advancing their position.

There's also a revamped system for attempting and blocking submissions. Unfortunately, like the first UFC game, submissions are a complete non-factor. I've yet to see a single one successfully completed, whether it be by me or by the AI or online opponents that have been faced. I did come very close to it once against the CPU but there's little reason right now for someone to pursue submissions, and absolutely no reason to be threatened by them.

The sequel does offer a far more realistic gameplay experience than the franchise's first effort. That's due in large part to a more meaningful stamina system that forces players to pick their spots, rewarding those that do and penalizing those who throw strikes indiscriminately. A fighter low on stamina becomes especially vulnerable to being finished.

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The fighters themselves are more accurately represented in EA UFC 2. Their abilities, styles, strengths and weaknesses are all better defined and demonstrated. The AI is much smarter in their approach making the fights against the CPU more cerebral and challenging.


The knockouts in EA Sports UFC 2 are extraordinary. There's a new physics system in place that makes each one unique depending on their own very specific circumstances. They often look fantastic and evoke an emotional response when they occur. Each feels as though it's a genuinely earned reward.

The biggest gameplay issue remains the inability to rush and put pressure on a critically hurt opponent. In those moments of danger, the damaged fighter is easily able to evade their pursuer simply by walking backwards, as the opponent can only walk forward at the same rate and loses ground when attempting a strike. They're also able to successfully block a barrage of punches if they're coming at them and there's nothing the striker can do about it. That takes away crucial opportunities to end fights. Hits resulting in a knockdown where they are finished off on the ground, or quick combinations in succession before being able to back away from or block them, have been the most common finishes.

EA UFC 2 is one of the best-looking video games of the current generation of consoles. Everything from the arenas, to the walk-ins and personalized celebrations, and especially the fighter models and hair, are brilliantly done. The spectacular visuals make the inexplicable absence of replay functionality even more frustrating. Presentation and commentary are both very good and enhance the experience each fight offers.

MORE: The complete EA Sports UFC 2 roster

Unlike the first EA UFC, which was missing a lot of relevant fighters, there are over 250 of them in UFC 2. Even the most devoted fan of the sport would be hard-pressed to find absences to complain about here.

While the visuals, gameplay, and roster are strengths in EA UFC 2, the modes of play aren't as inspiring. Career Mode is especially disappointing. The entire experience boils down to completing training sessions followed by a fight. Rinse and repeat.


There is no real narrative involved and a Fight Night Champion style story mode is desperately needed for the product. A fighter's appearance can't even be altered other than their hair and tattoos after first creating them. The Reebok contract has taken some of the personality out Career with no sponsorships involved anymore. There's even some delay in loading between menu screens within the mode.

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The big new addition to the UFC franchise is Ultimate Team. The ultra-popular mode makes it to an individual sport for the first time but it differs greatly from the implementation found in Madden, FIFA and NHL.

Rather than acquiring real-life individuals, a "team" of up to five fighters are created. Moves, attribute boosts, and stamina recharge cards are obtained from the packs. The intrigue then shifts from putting a formidable team together, to improving the created men or women in your stable.

This will allow for people to craft their fighters either to their own personal gameplay strengths or to the strengths of the cards they have obtained and applied. Still it's not near as compelling as being on the hunt for, or earning, real players in the other sports games.

It's also not immediately evident what benefit there is to creating and using five fighters as opposed to just one or two. It would make more sense if the other fighters on the "team" regained stamina or received some other sort of "training" when they get a break in favor of another fighter being utilized.

Out of this though will be valuable variety from Ultimate Team fights, something that is always needed online when otherwise people would select only the top rated fighters which can get old real quick. Here, everyone's created fighters will provide unique challenges, and certainly many unique-looking individuals. Thankfully the online in UFC, as is the case with most EA Sports games, runs incredibly well.

There are two other standout modes in EA Sports UFC 2. First is a Custom Event Creator, which allows for a full fight card of up to 11 bouts to be constructed, and either played or CPU simulations spectated. The other is KO Mode which has the potential to be the breakout star of the product.

KO Mode strips out the grappling, with a user-defined number of strikes landed to achieve a knockout. It's a blast simply playing around within the mode and seeing the fantastic knockout physics in play over and over, but it's also a great way to get accustomed to the stand-up game before advancing to the more difficult aspects found in the clinch and on the ground. It could also be a "party mode" of sorts for couch competitions. Unfortunately, KO Mode is not available online where it would potentially would have been the most popular way to play.


It's only natural that a sequel would improve on the weaknesses of its predecessor and deliver more content to enjoy. That may be enough with EA Sports UFC 2 for big-time fight fans despite a few gameplay concerns and dry Career Mode. The UFC franchise still isn't going to appeal to a general gaming audience, but EA Sports in accepting that inevitability has created a product that should much better satisfy MMA fans.


EA Sports UFC 2 was reviewed on Xbox One. Also available on PlayStation 4.

Bryan Wiedey posts sports gaming news and analysis daily at, has co-founded the new site, hosts the Press Row Podcast, and be reached on Twitter @Pastapadre.

Bryan Wiedey

Bryan Wiedey posts sports gaming news and analysis daily at, is a regular participant in the Press Row Podcast and Press Row Hangout shows, and can be reached on Twitter @Pastapadre.