Jon Jones says he needs to dominate Gustafsson fight despite controversy

E. Spencer Kyte

Jon Jones says he needs to dominate Gustafsson fight despite controversy image

On Thursday’s UFC 232 conference call, headliner Jon Jones said that he’s glad his story is controversial.

Three days later, the UFC announced it was shifting this weekend’s year-end event from Las Vegas to Inglewood, California after Jones’s latest drug test revealed traces of the same substance, turinabol, which earned him a 15-month suspension following his UFC 214 bout with Daniel Cormier. The UFC and its VP of Athlete Health and Performance, Jeff Novitsky, concluded the appearance of the substance in Jones’s test was a result of “pulsing” and not due to a new ingestion, prompting the decision to relocate the event, rather than cancel the fight.

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“Yeah, it would be a lot easier, but what’s done is done and attitude is everything,” said Jones when asked if having a controversy-free career would have been much easier to navigate during an interview with Sporting News on Wednesday.

If there is anything positive that can be drawn from Jones’s multiple miscues and various troubles over the years, it’s that the superstar talent, who has struggled to remain eligible to compete, had garnered a great deal of experience dealing with serious issues and learned how to put them into perspective.

“It was frustrating — that’s safe to say — but everything about fight week can be difficult at times and high intensity, highly emotional, so it just comes with the territory,” he said of his test abnormality and the relocating of Saturday’s fight card. “It’s been a little bit of a crazy week, but I’m doing great.”

Considered by many to be the greatest fighter in UFC history, Jones’s legacy is becoming increasingly difficult to define.

While there is no denying his abilities and his resume is as impressive as anyone to ever grace the Octagon, his various suspensions and multiple failed drug tests have not only limited the number of appearances he’s been able to make in recent years, but also left many people wondering if his accomplishments should carry an asterisk.

The youngest fighter to ever win UFC gold, the now 31-year-old light heavyweight has always been focused on establishing himself as the greatest fighter of all-time and has historically put a great deal of stock into the opinions of fans and those who cover the sport. But as the controversies have piled up and the questions have mounted, the way Jones thinks about it all has shifted.

“It matters — it does — but I don’t think I try as hard as I used to,” he said regarding how fans view his legacy. “I’ve learned to let a lot go, let it be and have confidence that things are going to work out.”

He added: “I think as I set it aside and focus on the people around me — my team, my family —everything else will take care of itself over time. Ultimately, I know that the people who really know me, the people who have actually met me in person know the type of friend I can be, giver I can be and supporter that I can be and that’s really what matters most.”

Although this weekend’s event has taken on additional baggage, Jones’s headlining rematch with Alexander Gustafsson remains a highly-anticipated, highly-competitive affair that everyone has been waiting to see since their first encounter at UFC 165 in September 2013.

Entering as a considerable underdog and viewed by many to be less of a threat than some of Jones’s recently vanquished challengers at the time, Gustafsson pushed “Bones” to the limit, becoming the first man to take him down and forcing the then-champion to dig deep in order to retain his title.

A rematch was booked a year later, but the Swedish contender was forced out due to an injury and Gustafsson has been waiting for the chance to run it back ever since.

Though he’s been embroiled in a long-running and still simmering feud with Daniel Cormier and dealing with multiple different challenges both inside and outside of the Octagon since, Jones has wanted Saturday’s main event rematch with “The Mauler” just as badly.

“It’s very important for me to make a statement, not really because of this backstory as far as the fight being switched, but for me, it’s proving that I’m the best,” Jones said. “I’m not really comfortable with how close the first fight was.”

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After digging deep and rallying to beat Gustafsson the first time, Jones acknowledged that he took his Swedish counterpart lightly and didn’t train as diligently as he normally does. Some deemed it an excuse, while others accepted it as a statement of fact and now, with a full, intense training camp behind him, the returning former champion wants to show that there is no one on his level in the light heavyweight division.

“I don’t like how close it was,” he said of the first fight. “It makes me uncomfortable to know that someone came so close (to beating me), so for my own comfort and peace, I need to dominate this fight, so that when I go out and say I’m the champion, I know that it’s mine and no one came close.

“I need to go out there and make a statement for myself,” he added, “because there can’t be a guy out there so close to beating me in the game.”

E. Spencer Kyte