With another positive PED test, Jon Jones proves he doesn't care about his legacy

E. Spencer Kyte

With another positive PED test, Jon Jones proves he doesn't care about his legacy image

Three weeks after it was announced that Jon Jones failed an in-competition drug screening prior to his UFC 214 rematch with Daniel Cormier, the embattled superstar finally addressed the steroid scandal swirling around him.

Though he had posted a handful of messages earlier in the month, including thanking a fan for checking in on him, Thursday marked the first time the 30-year-old made a specific reference to the situation that resulted in his being stripped of the UFC light heavyweight title for the third time in as many years.

While people quickly replied to the tweet voicing their continued support or further suspicion, very few people seemed to land at the point where the two pieces of this puzzle connect and land Jones in hot water: that he did not knowingly ingest the substance in question (Turinabol), but he’s still facing a lengthy suspension nonetheless.

KYTE: UFC 215 wasn't for the casual fan, and that's cool

For whatever reason, there seems to be a disconnect for some people when it comes to the fact that regardless of whether Jones knowingly or unknowingly used turinabol in the days prior to UFC 214, the banned steroid was in his system when he was tested by USADA following the weigh-ins and remained in his system when he stepped into the Octagon with Cormier the following evening.

That’s the part that gets him in trouble.

Whether it was intentional and whether he got a competitive advantage from the substance, which wasn’t present in his system when he passed random out-of-competition tests on back-to-back days at the start of the month, doesn’t really matter.

Somehow, some way, it got into this system and showed up when he was tested after stepping off the scales on the eve of his return to competition and no matter what explanation Jones and his team can offer, nothing is going to change the fact that he had Turinabol in his system and it is his responsibility to be aware of everything that he is putting into his body.

And this is where the current situation becomes really frustrating.

If there is anyone in the UFC who should be acutely aware of the penalties for getting caught with random, unexplained banned substances in your system when USADA comes calling it’s Jonathan Dwight Jones.

It was a little over a year prior to UFC 214 that a bewildered Jones sat at a press conference on the eve of UFC 200 fighting back tears, trying to make sense of the anti-doping violation that had forced him out of his highly anticipated championship rematch with Cormier that was set to headline the UFC’s summer spectacular.

A few months later, after it was determined that Jones tested positive as a result of a tainted male enhancement pill he’d received from a teammate, the light heavyweight superstar was still handed the maximum one-year suspension because the arbitrator in his case said his actions “verged on reckless.”

Having already lost a year of your career to a tainted supplement suspension where you were admonished for your cavalier approach in regards to what you put into your body was held out as the chief reason for the maximum allowable punishment being levied, you would think that Jones and everyone around him would want to do everything possible to ensure the same situation didn’t repeat itself.

One year later, they’re arguing that it has happened again.

What makes matters worse — at least in my opinion — is that their defense (if you want to call it that) isn’t accompanied by a mound of paperwork showing that they vetted every single supplement and vitamin Jones was taking in the days, weeks and months leading up to UFC 214 in order to ensure something like this didn’t happen again.

Jones has the resources to ensure that he knows exactly what he’s putting in his body.

If he personally doesn’t have the desire or time to invest into getting everything he’s taking tested and cleared, someone in his inner circle should because (a) he’s felt the sting of a tainted supplement suspension before and (b) the penalties are far more severe if it happens a second time, especially when you’ve already been admonished for being “reckless” and publicly declared yourself a “wild mother f—er” following your return to the cage.

Is it time-consuming? Yes. Is it tedious? Yes. Is it costly? Yes. Is it all worth it to ensure that you don’t unknowingly ingest a banned substance that is going to put you on the fast track to a four-year suspension? I tend to think so, but maybe that’s just me.

Jones didn’t do it. His team didn’t, either. One way or another, he did ingest a banned substance on the eve of his fight with Cormier at UFC 214 and now the career of arguably the greatest fighter of all-time could come to an abrupt halt as a result.

And now here’s the real uneasy question that bubbles up from all this: what was Jones unknowingly ingesting in the years prior to the dawn of the USADA era in the UFC?

E. Spencer Kyte