Jon Jones is the Barry Bonds of MMA

E. Spencer Kyte

Jon Jones is the Barry Bonds of MMA image

Jon Jones’ unmatched abilities in the Octagon used to make it possible to set aside his indiscretions and focus exclusively on his achievements in the cage.

Conversations that focused on his failed drug tests and car accidents and various suspensions could be shifted in a positive direction by looking at his accomplishments.

You could say, "He's done all those things, put himself in all those predicaments, but his performance has never wavered" as a means of acknowledging his many mistakes while differentiating Jon Jones, the UFC fighter, from Jon Jones, creator of problems and trouble magnet. You could recognize the greatness of the former and separate his immense talents as a competitor from his predilection for making bad decisions and sabotaging his own career.

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But in the wake of yet another scandal, being able to separate the two is becoming increasingly more difficult.

This past weekend, the UFC announced it was shifting Saturday’s year-end pay-per-view event from Las Vegas to Inglewood, Calif., after the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) declared it would not license Jones after trace amounts of the same substance he was suspended for following UFC 214, Turinabol, were discovered in a recent drug test.

While the organization and its drug czar, Jeff Novitzky, have suggested this is a result of residual traces of the substance from his previous ingestion remaining in his system and not a new incident, many have questioned why, after passing numerous tests over the last year without these trace amounts showing up, it is suddenly showing up now.

Jones, as you would expect, is maintaining his innocence and continuing to declare himself a clean athlete, which is obtuse at best and completely ridiculous at worst, depending on how much you believe the explanations he has presented each time a banned substance has shown up in his system before or after one of his fights.

But at this point, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to believe him and that makes the exercise of separating the superstar from his indiscretions nearly impossible.

There is no denying that Jones is a once-in-a-lifetime type of talent — a rare combination of size, strength, athleticism, skill, intelligence and focus who took the sport by storm, sailing to the top of the UFC’s marquee division (at the time) with relative ease faster than anyone in the company’s history.

He has a preternatural ability to synthesize information, learn new tricks and make adjustments on the fly. He's calm under pressure and far tougher than he gets credit for, and he has shown on multiple occasions that he can elevate his game to the next level when the situation calls for it.

He already might be the greatest fighter to ever grace the Octagon and he’s only 31, which means Jones could still fight for another five or six years and still be younger than many of the elite contenders in the heavyweight division, including his fiercest rival, two-division champion Daniel Cormier.

With his unquestioned skills and track record of success, it’s not unfeasible to think that Jones could remain a championship-level fighter for the next five years, post multiple victories and put an end to any and all legitimate GOAT discussions in the sport.

The problem is that as these situations continue to pile up, his legacy becomes increasingly cloudy.

Even though he was cleared of any wrongdoing following his first positive test — the "dick pill" incident — and the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) found no tangible evidence that Jones was intentionally taking banned substances following his second positive test — the UFC 214 fiasco — the fact that he had banned substances in his system at all immediately makes you skeptical.

And now with this latest "abnormal test result," which prompted the NSAC to decline to license him for Saturday’s rematch with Alexander Gustafsson, a decision that set off a chaotic chain of events that are still being sorted out at the time of this writing, it is becoming more difficult to say with confidence that Jones simply has bad luck when it comes to his choice in off-brand male enhancement products and supplements, given that the vast majority of his contemporaries haven’t had one positive test result, yet alone three.

There is no way to escape the uncertainty anymore, and with each successive misstep, fewer people are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

When the first incident happened, you could accept that Jones, a noted partier and recreational drug user, copped a tainted male enhancement pill from a teammate and it was legitimately the cause of his positive test. It was, as USADA noted, reckless, but that fit with Jones' character.

But now that there are two more positive tests to examine, that "reckless" tag starts to carry different weight.

If he was reckless enough to take an off-brand pill someone gave him — not to mention the various other incidents he has had in the past involving drinking, drugs and smashing into things with his car — it’s not a stretch to think he might make some other poor decisions along the way, and if you accept that, there are few things you wouldn't be willing to accept when it comes to the ultra-talented, self-sabotaging superstar.

At this point, Jones is the Barry Bonds of mixed martial arts — an undeniable talent whose legacy has been tarnished by scandal and whose incredible talents are no longer at the core of any discussion regarding his greatness.

Bonds was one of the best players in baseball before he moved to San Francisco and became a hulked-up, home run-crushing colossus who sneered at the media and denied any and all allegations of steroid use lobbed his way.

He was a 27-year-old two-time All-Star and MVP, with three straight Gold Gloves and Silver Slugger awards and a clear path to remaining one of the greatest players of his era in front of him. While he reached even greater heights on the field, including breaking both the single-season and all-time home run records, all of Bonds’ myriad accomplishments have been called into question as a result of multiple allegations of steroid use, which was rampant in the sport at the time.

While some fans and observers can separate the two or steadfastly believe Bonds as he continues to deny any wrongdoing, many others simply cannot overlook the mountain of evidence, including numerous books and court proceedings, that seem to indicate that he did, indeed, use performance-enhancing drugs throughout his historic first decade in the Bay Area.

As a result, people tend to forget that Bonds was amazing in Pittsburgh — one of the cornerstones of a tremendous team that won three straight National League East titles, only to come up short in the National League Championship Series each time, including back-to-back 4-3 series losses to the Atlanta Braves in 1991 and 1992.

Everything he did and everything he might have done has become clouded by suspicion and the widely held belief that Bonds cheated and it has reformatted the way people think about his career as a whole.

Jones is dangerously close to that line if he hasn’t crossed it already.

Just as Bonds had proven himself to be an elite talent prior to his physical transformation and string of otherworldly seasons in San Francisco, Jones has shown that when it comes to preparing for fights and his abilities inside the cage, he is on a different level than everyone else.

He rose to the top of the light heavyweight division as a “squeaky clean” 23-year-old who stopped purse-snatchers and began making his case for being considered one of the greatest of all time before any positive tests for performance-enhancing drugs began to surface.

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But as the mistakes keep piling up, the questions keep getting louder and it’s getting to the point where no matter what he says, everything that Jones has already accomplished and anything he does from here on out will likely be tinged with uncertainty.

And once you reach that point, there is no way back.

That becomes your legacy.

E. Spencer Kyte