World Series 2016: Retiring Chief Wahoo is meaningless if Cleveland keeps team name

Jesse Spector

World Series 2016: Retiring Chief Wahoo is meaningless if Cleveland keeps team name image

CLEVELAND — You may have noticed, if you’ve been reading under this byline throughout the playoffs, starting with the division series, through the ALCS and now in the World Series, that I have referred to Cleveland’s opponents alternately as “Boston” and “the Red Sox,” “Toronto” and “the Blue Jays,” and “Chicago” and “the Cubs,” while Cleveland is only “Cleveland.”

You also may not have noticed this. It was only during the ALCS that any editor at Sporting News asked if I had made a personal choice to avoid the team nickname, and indeed I had. I’m embarrassed, honestly, that it took so long to make that choice, given that I argued three years ago for Cleveland and Atlanta to find new team names, at a time when controversy swirled around Washington’s football team — controversy that remains unresolved.

MORE: 40 teams that retired Native American mascots

The names of the baseball teams aren’t as bad as the name of the football team, but it’s long past time to stop using any of them, because so long as we do — so long as they do — it opens the door for a cavalcade of deplorable behavior.

In Cleveland, this is seen first and foremost in the continued use of the racist caricature known as Chief Wahoo, whom commissioner Rob Manfred will meet with Cleveland ownership to discuss. While it’s certainly a good thing that Cleveland has taken steps to rely more on the block “C” as its primary logo, and that was what was projected on the facade of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when Major League Baseball hosted the World Series gala there on Monday night, the cartoon is far from dead. Walking around downtown Cleveland on Wednesday, it was clear for everyone to see at the top of Tower City Center, a big Chief Wahoo flag, stiff in the October wind, right beneath the Stars and Stripes.

In addition to remaining part of the team’s uniforms, and on existing merchandise that fans surely will wear for years to come, Chief Wahoo continues to be in heavy rotation on team merchandise, including baby clothes in the team store at the stadium.

This serves only to more deeply ingrain the racism the cartoon character has helped to institutionalize.

COLLINS: Cleveland needs to stop hedging and retire Chief Wahoo

How deep is it? That was obvious from a walk around the ballpark before Game 2 of the World Series. Is there a less appropriate corporate stadium name in America than Progressive Field, where you can see a woman in redface and three men in feather headdresses?

All of this was before the game, during which Fox’s cameras got a good closeup at the seventh-inning stretch of a frowning man with the daily double of face paint and a headdress.

How do these people look in the mirror and leave the house thinking that it’s OK to dress like this?

It’s generally good advice not to read the comments on the internet, but in this case the comments are enlightening, because there are people who really do think that going out in public like this is not an overtly racist act. These people are wrong, and supporting racism, but they have their reasons. Here are some from Facebook and Twitter, commenting on the photos I took of the Cleveland fans.

MORE: World Series in photos

“Don’t see how it is that terrible if it is not mocking them it is supporting them.”

It’s supporting the baseball team, sure. It’s mocking actual people. A headdress has real meaning — it’s not a prop. The analogue of painting your face like Chief Wahoo to blackface should be so obvious as to not be needed to be said, but apparently it needs to be said.

“Why is it now that the name and mascot is considered racist?”

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It’s been considered racist for a long time. Longer than I’ve been alive. That the chorus against this kind of stuff is louder now is just a sign of more people coming around to actually take a stand against it.

“It’s not freakin racist. Why must people make a big deal out of everything.”

Look again at the pictures. Look again, really, really closely this time. Imagine yourself, just for a moment, in someone else’s shoes. Someone whose culture is used as a prop, degraded for the sake of sports fans’ entertainment. And don’t pull that Notre Dame leprechaun argument out. It’s tired and a complete false equivalence and you know it. It is racist, and people make a big deal about racism because racism is a big deal. That it’s so baked into our culture is all the more reason to make a big deal about it, because racism can be the difference between life and death.

“Calling someone a racist is a typical trick of the Liberals to try and win an argument.”

MORE: Judge in Canada rules nickname, Wahoo not discriminatory

Yes, it’s a typical trick, when there is racism afoot, to say people who have no problem with it are supporting racism. Because they are. It’s a typical trick of people who capitalize “Liberals” in the United States to pretend that facts don’t mean anything. But they do.

“How many times have you laugh at a Speedy Gonzales cartoon? That is racism not a cartoon which represents only a baseball team.”

When Cartoon Network got the rights to the Speedy Gonzales library in 1999, the Mexican cartoon mouse was taken off the air for three years, until the League of United Latin American Citizens demanded his return to television in the U.S. as a cultural icon.

The cartoon “which represents only a baseball team,” meanwhile, inspires people to dress themselves up as their own personal racist caricatures. This will continue to be acceptable for as long as this team, Atlanta’s team, Washington’s team, Kansas City's team, Chicago’s hockey team and all the rest continue to carry on with their nicknames.

Those teams can continue to disgrace themselves by inviting racism at the very mention of their names, tumbling down a slippery slope that you can see plainly on global television in this World Series. But I don’t have to use those names, and neither do you.

Jesse Spector