World Series 2015: Syndergaard's pitch not the problem, postgame incitement is

Jesse Spector

World Series 2015: Syndergaard's pitch not the problem, postgame incitement is image

NEW YORK — There’s a lot to unpack with Noah Syndergaard’s controversial first pitch to Alcides Escobar in Game 3 of the World Series on Friday night, a 98 mph fastball that the Mets right-hander threw high, tight and to the backstop to try to interrupt Escobar’s rhythm after the Royals shortstop had made a habit of swinging at first pitches.

First of all, there’s the pitch itself. It was not a case of Syndergaard throwing at Escobar. Certainly, there is danger in it if he missed his spot, but there is inherent danger in any inside pitch. This particular pitch, while it was way up, was not so far inside as to truly put Escobar in harm’s way. In order to get hit, he would have had to basically be out of the batter’s box.

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Of course, that doesn’t always stop tempers from flaring. In 2003, Manny Ramirez, who set up deeper in the batter’s box than Escobar, took exception to a similar pitch from Roger Clemens, and the result was Don Zimmer getting thrown to the ground.

So, Syndergaard made a pitch designed to make Escobar uncomfortable, which pitchers do. The Royals got upset, which baseball teams do. Kansas City also channeled that anger into scoring a run in the first inning against Syndergaard, and two more in the second to take a 3-2 lead. Baseball happened, no big deal, and we can move on.

If the Royals don’t go on to lose Game 3 by a 9-3 score, the story probably is very different. But Kansas City did lose, and Syndergaard settled into a groove, so a lot of attention was paid to the New York rookie.

And here’s where things get troublesome, because Syndergaard was brutally honest after the game. Let’s take a look at some of the things he had to say.

On the pitch being part of a plan: “Yeah, I mean my first words I said to Travis (d’Arnaud, the catcher) when we walked in the clubhouse today is, ‘How do you feel about high and tight for the first pitch and then a curveball for the second one?’ So I feel like it really made a statement to start the game off, that you guys can’t dig in and get too aggressive because I’ll come in there.”

All well and good. That’s baseball, classic as it gets — high, hard one inside followed by breaking ball down and away. We’re fine here.

On his exact intent with the pitch: “My intent on that pitch was to make them uncomfortable, and I feel like I did just that. I know that for the past, I think every postseason game that Escobar has played in, he’s swung at the first-pitch fastball, and I didn’t think he would want to swing at that one.”

Again, just fine. Maybe a little silly, given that you could have thrown a breaking ball in the dirt and tried to get Escobar to chase — something the Blue Jays talked about doing in the ALCS — but when 98 is at the low range of your fastball velocity and you want to send a message and not let the opposing hitters get too comfortable, throwing one to the backstop works, too. Sort of, anyway, because, again, three runs on six hits in those first two innings. If the Royals were uncomfortable, it took a little while for that discomfort to set in.

On Escobar saying that the pitch was “stupid” because it’s fine to pitch inside, but not to go up high like that: “I mean, I certainly wasn’t trying to hit the guy, that’s for sure. I just didn’t want him getting too comfortable. If they have a problem with me throwing inside, they can meet me 60 feet, six inches away. I’ve got no problem with that.”

Here’s where Syndergaard went wrong. This had been about getting a tactical advantage against an important hitter, but now it became about something more — masculine bravado and inciting violence. This opens the door to the idea that the Royals not only have something to retaliate for, but that they can and implicitly should — not in the World Series, because that would be too risky, but when the teams play each other in Kansas City to open next season thanks to a scheduling quirk.

It would be much better to just let it go, especially after you just won a game to get back in the World Series, but this is an irresponsible comment that only serves to make Syndergaard look bad.

And here’s where we get to the other part of things, a complaint largely coming out of Kansas City: Why is it OK that Syndergaard did what he did, but it’s not OK that Kelvin Herrera did what he did when he didn’t hit Brett Lawrie with a pitch in April?

Let’s go back to that Herrera pitch to Lawrie.

To begin with, Herrera’s pitch was not about getting a tactical advantage in an at-bat. It was about avenging Lawrie’s takeout slide on Escobar, which you can argue the merits of, but have to concede makes for a very different situation than a pitcher trying to play mindgames within an at-bat.

Furthermore, throwing behind someone is more dangerous than a pitch like the one Syndergaard threw because the natural reaction of a hitter facing 98-100 mph thrown at him is to duck, back up or both. It would have been much easier for Lawrie to get hit and hurt by Herrera’s pitch than it would have been for Escobar to be by Syndergaard’s.

Finally, there is the difference between what Syndergaard did after his pitch and what Herrera did after his. Syndergaard threw his pitch, stood on the mound and waited to get the ball for his next pitch. Herrera, after getting ejected from a game in which there had already been umpire warnings about pitches directed at hitters, yelled at Lawrie and pointed at his head.

It’s easy to say that Syndergaard gets treated differently because of who he is, rather than who Herrera is, but that simply isn’t true in this case. Syndergaard deserves to be criticized for one comment that he made after the game. There was no problem with anything else that happened, and it will be best for everyone to just move on to Game 4.

Jesse Spector