World Series 2015: Daniel Murphy stays quiet as hate group tries to politicize achievements

Jesse Spector

World Series 2015: Daniel Murphy stays quiet as hate group tries to politicize achievements image

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Daniel Murphy is more than just the MVP of the 2015 National League Championship Series. Setting a record this postseason with home runs in six consecutive games, the Mets’ second baseman has taken that rare leap where people beyond the world of sports recognize his achievements.

That includes Westboro Baptist Church, better known as those guys who masquerade as a religious organization and go around picketing military funerals to spread their message of hate, primarily rooted in homophobia. Those guys who have said 9/11 was “God’s wrath and punishment for America’s horrendous sodomite sins.” Those guys who you’d really like to give no attention to, because acknowledging them as anything more than a hate group is grotesque.

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Westboro will be picketing Game 2 of the World Series because they view New York as “wholly given over to Sodomite filth, in daily defiance of God Almighty,” but acknowledge that Murphy “has uttered a small squeak in that miasma of foul matter known as New York City, opining that he disagrees 100% with the homosexual lifestyle.”

This brings Murphy into a tough situation. The “opining” cited by Westboro was Murphy saying, in March, that “as a Christian, that we haven’t been articulate enough in describing what our actual stance is on homosexuality. We love the people. We disagree with the lifestyle.”

At the same time that he made those comments, Murphy spoke about Billy Bean, MLB’s ambassador for inclusion, an openly gay former player who was making the spring training rounds and met with the Mets.

“It’s the same way that there are aspects of my life that I’m trying to surrender to Christ in my own life,” Murphy said then. “There’s a great deal of many things, like my pride. I just think that as a believer trying to articulate it in a way that says just because I disagree with the lifestyle doesn’t mean I’m just never going to speak to Billy Bean every time he walks through the door. That’s not love. That’s not love at all.”

Murphy’s views are his own, and he has been quiet on them since March. He has been lambasted as a homophobe in some circles, and while it is easy to criticize his description of homosexuality as “lifestyle,” his position would be a long way removed from what Westboro preaches.

Asked at Monday’s media day for the World Series about his achievements being politicized in general, and Westboro’s support in particular, Murphy said, “I think I’m really excited about our workout today, and looking forward to Game 1 tomorrow.”

It was the best way for Murphy to request that he be left alone about his religion, and that he has no interest in discussing it further, having been raked over the media coals for expressing himself in the first place. Murphy never said that he would stand in the way of a gay teammate, or of the rights of gay people in general — as opposed to, say, Torii Hunter, who said that he would be uncomfortable with a gay teammate and then cut an anti-gay marriage political ad last year.

Murphy has never gone to those lengths, nor is there any indication that he would. He expressed a belief that has been widely held by vast majorities of the population until fairly recently, when rapid change has taken place. He has not indicated that he would act with hate toward others. So, while he may not be willing to say it, he deserves better than to have Westboro using his exploits on the baseball field to further their nefarious message.

Jesse Spector