What is it like to work for a professional sports league during a strike?


What is it like to work for a professional sports league during a strike? image

What is it like to work at a professional sports league during a work stoppage?

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Answer by Stephanie VardavasMLB employee 1979-1989

During my ten years at MLB there were actually two strikes. The big one most people remember was the 1981 strike, which canceled 713 games (38 percent of the 1981 season). There was also a mini-strike (I think it was two days) in 1985, but that second strike ended so quickly that it did not have any real effect on the season.

The 1981 strike had its origins in the late 1970s and 1980. Since the beginning of the free agency era 1975-76, the major league clubs had been obsessed with the idea that they should be entitled to receive some form of compensation when they lost a player to free agency. The original arbitration ruling creating free agency for the pitchers Andy Messersmith and Dave McNally had simply provided that the reserve clause in players' contracts could bind a player for only one year after the expiration of the last contract he had signed ("play out your option"). The new Basic Agreement negotiated in 1976 imposed a requirement of six years of Major League service (at the rate of 172 days per year) before a player could become a free agent, thus giving each club six full seasons (and in many cases seven or more) to recoup its investment in developing a player before he could leave. But the clubs did not think this was sufficient.

By 1979, the owners' Player Relations Committee was in the hands of a guy named Ray Grebey, who had previously done industrial relations for General Electric. The general counsel of the PRC was a longtime PRC guy named Barry Rona. They were gearing up for the next negotiations and determined to get some form of compensation, and were prepared to take a strike if necessary. The players had struck several times before and the owners were not under any illusion that the players would roll over. 

When I started work as one of the first two MLB Executive Development Program trainees at MLB in June 1979, the concept of the program was explained to me as a series of two or three month rotations through various MLB central offices in New York, hopefully culminating in an offer of some kind of permanent position a year later, but with no guarantees. After lunch on my first day I was detailed to the PRC offices (around the corner from the Commissioner's Office), and stayed there for about 14 months.

My first assignment was to add up all the guaranteed salary commitments the Major League clubs had made. I literally went through folders of player contracts for each club and hand-built spreadsheets that accounted for all the guaranteed salary (including deferred compensation) for each player on each club. I did this with pencils and ledger paper, and added up each iteration on a calculator, as Microsoft Excel had not yet been invented. Even in 1979, those guarantees extended as far into the future as the year 2020. 

I don't remember at exactly what point formal collective bargaining began, but by spring training 1980 there was buzz of a possible strike. A deadline was set for late May 1980, and a strike was averted only when the MLBPA and the clubs agreed to appoint a "joint study committee" to study the issue of free agent compensation for a year, and report back. The can had been successfully kicked down the road. In August I left the PRC for a short rotation through the promotions department at the New York Mets, followed by a short rotation through the offices of the MLB Promotion Corporation. During this time I was offered and accepted a permanent position as Manager of Waivers and Player Records for the American League, which I accepted, and began work there on November 1, 1980. In that job I kept track of all player assignments, contract signings, waivers, options, disabled list placements, etc.

It became clear that the "joint study committee" was not getting anywhere, as the owners' delegates all held the position that compensation was necessary for clubs losing free agents, and the players' delegates all took the opposite position. The 1981 season started under this cloud, and on June 12 the strike was announced.

During the strike there were no roster changes, contract signings (of players), or player assignment activities of any kind. I would come into the office in the morning, open my mail and the League President's mail (since so much of the mail addressed to him related to player transactions, it was traditionally the responsibility of the person with my job to open his mail instead of his secretary), attend to any little thing that I could (the occasional new contract for a coach or manager, etc.) and otherwise ... basically nothing. I would send out a daily waiver bulletin that was almost completely without content. Sometimes I would be asked to back up the phones etc., but most of the day I sat at my beautiful uncluttered walnut desk and read the New York Times, The Sporting News, Sports Illustrated, etc.

The League President, Lee MacPhail, would often be asked to attend the collective bargaining sessions, so of course when he returned we would all beg him for updates and he would not be able to tell us anything. The AL staff was relatively small: MacPhail, league VP Bob Fishel, finance guy Don Marr, PR person Phyllis Merhige (still at MLB), PR assistant Bob Grim (now with the White Sox), secretary Tess Basta, and me. We took long lunches, sat at our desks reading, badgered each other for news, indulged in black humor, and wondered if at some point we wouldn't have jobs anymore. It was just a bleak way to live.

When the strike settled 12 weeks later we had the opposite problem: now that the bottleneck was gone there was a huge pent-up tidal wave of player contracts, assignments, etc. I was swamped for weeks. To make things even worse, I was starting my first year of night law school about two and a half weeks later, so I couldn't work evenings to catch up. It took me a long time to come up for air, but I was so happy to have baseball back online that it didn't seem to matter. Still, that strike slowdown in work responsibilities would have been so convenient at the beginning of law school.

In those days I imbibed a lot more of the owners' perspective on baseball economics than I do today. Having seen the business up close for so many years, I'm no longer very sympathetic to club owners who want the players to protect them from their (the owners') own excesses! 

As for free agent compensation, a system was cobbled together that allowed teams losing high end free agents to choose from a pool of players left unprotected by all the clubs (not just the club who had signed the free agent). That system quietly went away in a few years (I can't remember whether it went away in the very next Basic Agreement or the one following), and no one seems to miss it.
