Touch 'Em All, Joe: Let the kids bat flip; plus, an apology to MLB umpires and Twins fans

Joe Rivera

Touch 'Em All, Joe: Let the kids bat flip; plus, an apology to MLB umpires and Twins fans image

Touch 'Em All, Joe is a bi-weekly column from SN's Joe Rivera, who discusses his MLB stream of consciousness and fields questions and comments from trusty Twitter users.

Have you ever seen a ray lay an egg?

While you were finishing up your Easter egg hunts and enjoying the unofficial official start of spring, Tampa Bay did just that over the weekend. 

In walked a wounded, limp, lifeless Red Sox team to Tropicana Field and out walked Boston with brooms by its side, sweeping a three-game set and reinjecting itself into the AL East discussion.

MORE: Watch 'ChangeUp,' a new MLB live whiparound show on DAZN

Good teams are allowed to be swept — it's a long season with lots of twists and turns. Tampa Bay is a good team and will stay good in 2019. However, if the Rays want to take that next step, they need to develop that killer instinct: Boston came to Tampa after being swept in two games by the Yankees and were searching for any kind of answers in what increasingly looked like a lost season.

Instead, the Rays lost all three games to the Sox, who look like they're starting to figure things out. In fact, the Rays have lost four in a row and are without Blake Snell for at least another week, so the division lead could slip away quickly — the scuffling Yanks are now just 2 1/2 games back of Tampa.

We're not at that 35-40 game mark — or Memorial Day Weekend, if you prefer — where you really get a feel about what your favorite team is going to be, but games this early in the season matter, especially division games. Feast on the bad teams while you can.

Tampa Bay will learn, even if it's the hard way.

Single: Let the kids bat flip

White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson has been off to a blistering start to the 2019 season. In 17 games, Anderson has hit four home runs with a .418 average, 1.085 OPS and one gigantic, monster bat flip.

In case you missed it, there was a hubbub last week as a result of that flip: Anderson styled, and later he wore a fastball for his "troubles." Guaranteed Rate Field turned into the Death Star detention block in less than 12 parsecs. 

Baseball is a ticking time bomb of a melting pot: hundreds upon thousands of different guys with different temperaments pushed into a 250-day pressure cooker of routine and competition. Not everyone will react to things the same way, which is why we shouldn't be surprised when some pitchers take issue with bat flips, even if it is pretty weak to endanger someone's health because you had your feelings hurt.

MORE: Tim Anderson, Randal Grichuk share some Grade-A beef on Twitter

Anderson wasn't suspended for the act of flipping a bat, but rather the language that was used in the kerfuffle later in the game, just to be clear. This is a very important distinction to make, and it's unfortunate that he was suspended at all.

Side note: To discuss the word that was used and its place in society is way beyond me and is left for smarter writers than I. In fact, here's a very good piece discussing just that courtesy of Bradford William Davis via the New York Daily News.

MLB has done a good job of engaging the new generation of ballplayer without worrying about the repercussions of old fans lashing out. The "Let the kids play" campaign has been great. They even encouraged and showcased Anderson with this tweet following the event:

Suspending Anderson after the fact might be lack of corporate synergy — and suspending Anderson for the word that he used is a different debate for another time — but at least there seems to be a little more of an acceptance of flash, flair and pizzazz from the leagues than maybe there was in years past. That's the important message here, and it's one fans shouldn't lose sight of.

Single: Next, on 'The Ump Show'…

Social media is a mean beast, and so am I, sometimes.

I'd like to issue an apology to MLB umpires.

I do understand they have a difficult job. I do understand they deal with a lot of crap, name-calling, trash-talking and general abuse from players. No one is perfect, less so perfect in their jobs (we'll get to that later), so it's unfair to expect perfection from MLB umpires. So to hear it from some jamoke Twittering on his phone, calling out every error and fault, is unfair, even if they don't read the tweets.

To take it away from hardball, with all professions there will be always be folks who aren't as great at their job as perhaps they should be. It's human nature. MLB umpires need to be better in key spots in the game and not take the bat out of hitters' hands on atrocious ball/strike calls. It's not so much about the accuracy as it is the absolute wrong call in the heat of a big game. 

No, I won't apologize for begging for computerized strike zones or lamenting poor use of replay. I'll still fly off the handle when I see a bad call during "Sunday Night Baseball." In fact, fans being vocal about these things will likely be the only way change will come. Hopefully MLB will listen, unless it enjoys the controversy.

Sure, some umpires miss more calls than stormtroopers do blaster shots, but that's the nature of the business. We should all be pulling for umpires to do well. After all, we want what's best for everyone in baseball on a game-by-game basis, and what's best is for umpires to be the best they can be at their job. 

Double: Ope!

I love you, Minnesota. Mall of America! Joe Mauer! Wild rice soup! Jesse "The Body" Ventura! I'm a big Minnesota guy, if you couldn't tell.

So please, please stop tweeting me with your hatred of my most recent Power Rankings. I'm sorry. I have lost sleep. My family and friends look upon me in shame.

We all make mistakes, and one of my biggest ones so far this season was understating just how good the Twins have been in 2019, and I'll own it.

I (somewhat erroneously) pointed out that the Twins were bringing up the rear in the AL when it came to runs. This was a fact, but also something of an oversight: The Twins may have been last in the AL in runs scored, but they also played the fewest games in the AL to that point. In fact, the Twins have been one of the better offenses in the American League, scoring 5.63 runs per game, fourth in the majors behind the Mariners (6.40), the Rangers (5.80) and Dodgers (5.67). While those rankings have had some new faces throughout the season, the Twins have been one of the only constants along the top, along with the Mariners.

Lesson learned: Stats tell a story, but not always the whole story. 

So let me correct this: The Twins are good. They're first in the AL Central, even with question marks, but they are better than your average MLB team. The Twins currently have nine qualified batters with an OPS+ of 100 or better. That's wild stuff, even if early in the season. It's easy to see why they are at the top of the Central. They're second in the AL in average and OPS. The offense, in a word, is potent.

My biggest issue with projecting the Twins this year is, as always, the pitching. José Berríos is on the doorstep of becoming a star, but outside of Berrios it's a mixed bag. Who knows what Michael Pineda will be over the course of a full season (if he lasts 30-plus starts)? Jake Odorizzi has been solid, but can we expect Odorizzi to be much better than league average as he has been throughout his career? That's a difficult ask, and harder to project.

I do believe the Indians sorely miscalculated what their window was going to be, which does open one for the Twins. Cleveland's offseason left a lot to be desired, and you're seeing that with some of the offensive woes they had early in the year.

With Trevor Bauer, Corey Kluber and Carlos Carrasco at the top of the rotation — even with Kluber's early struggles — I still believe they're going to win the division. The Twins won't make it easy. Hopefully that's enough for Twins fans to forgive me.

Pinch Twitters

It's funny you ask that, Drew. In another era, if the Yankees had lost those two games to Boston last week and entered their series vs. the Royals at 6-12 instead of 8-10, then seats would be getting hot. But we're a ways away from anyone getting canned in the Bronx. 

I'm unaware of the policy on censorship and copyright infringement on DAZN, so this is a tough question for me to answer. Given the risqué nature of Kanye's lyrics, I think I might have to pass on this one. Negotiable, however.

First, hate is a pretty strong word, Jake. Hate leads to suffering. Suffering leads to the Dark Side.

That said, of all the deals the Mets have made in recent history, this one has probably been among the worst. In 23 starts with the Mets, Vargas has pitched to a 6.16 ERA with a 61 ERA+ and 5.29 FIP. Not great, Bob.

I understand wanting to see the contract through, but at the same time Vargas isn't exactly helping the Mets win on the field. The Mets are 10-13 in games started by Vargas — not as bad as you originally thought, I'm sure — but that's not insurmountable. 

That said, the eye test will tell you that the record is probably forgiving. But continuing to go with him every fifth day? That's a bold strategy, Cotton.

Joe Rivera