Idiot Blue Jays fan throws full beer can at Orioles outfielder

Sean Gentille

Idiot Blue Jays fan throws full beer can at Orioles outfielder image

Because awful sports fans know not geographic boundaries, some jackass in Toronto chucked a can of beer at an Orioles outfielder Tuesday.

MORE: Live blog of AL wild-card game

That was Orioles outfielder Hyun Soo Kim narrowly avoiding getting hit in the dome during the bottom of the seventh inning of the AL wild-card game. The score was tied at 2.

If there's a bright side here, it's that Kim and center fielder Adam Jones seemed to know who threw it. Hopefully whoever it was goes to jail or whatever happens to morons in Canada.

Jones and Kim were supremely pissed, and with reason.

Reports from the stands were bad, and predictable.

Remember — no fan base is above this sort of thing. Idiots exist everywhere. Nobody is better than this — not baseball fans in Toronto, and not any fans anywhere else.

Sean Gentille