Tim Tebow to baseball critics: 'When did it become a bad thing to pursue your dreams?'

Gabrielle McMillen

Tim Tebow to baseball critics: 'When did it become a bad thing to pursue your dreams?' image

Many have mocked Tim Tebow for trying to pursue a baseball career after his NFL playing days petered out. Others lauded him and said they were impressed with his athleticism.

Either way, the former NFL quarterback insists he's willing to give an MLB career a shot at all costs, even if he doesn't make it.

"I just want to be someone (who pursues) what I believe in, what I'm passionate about," Tebow said following his workout in from of 28 MLB teams Tuesday in Los Angeles, via ESPN.com. "A lot of people are like, 'What if you fail? What if you don't make it?' Guess what? I don't have to live with regret. I did everything I could, I pushed it, so I would rather be someone (who) can live with peace and no regret than the 'what if' or being scared if I didn't make it.

MORE: Classic photos of Tim Tebow

"When did it become a bad thing to pursue your dreams?"

It's been 12 years since Tebow played his last organized baseball game — in high school. He proved to be better than average Tuesday, but still drew mixed reviews from scouts in attendance to witness his transition.

One NL scout told Baseball America Tebow had "irreplaceable" raw power, but an AL scout said Tebow's raw power would be "probably 55 in-game."

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There was also the scout who straight-up said, "He sucked."

The overall consensus was that Tebow did exceed expectations.

"I thought he was OK. Better than I expected, to be honest," one anonymous scout told USA Today. "For not having played as long as he had, I thought he did OK.

MORE: How did Tebow's workout go?

"That's a big dude, for as fast as he can run. The power was impressive, but I wish he could have translated it maybe a little better (against live pitching)."

Tebow's final stats from the day included a 6.76 second 60-yard dash. He hit nine home runs during batting practice, but struggled in live pitching against former MLB relievers David Aarsdma and Chad Smith.

A representative of the Heisman Trophy winner told reporters there are at least five teams who have expressed interest in him, but how far that interest goes remains unclear. If one of those teams can get Tebow to sign soon, he could get into the instructional league by October.

Gabrielle McMillen