Actually, Tim Tebow's MLB showcase doesn't mean anything

Sean Gentille

Actually, Tim Tebow's MLB showcase doesn't mean anything image

Tim Tebow wants to give baseball a shot, and that's pretty cool. He's a talented, ambitious, seemingly sincere young man. Good for him.

Not least of all, Tebow has an audience. He is famous, and people care about what he's doing. That is why this story is a story. That is why it continues to be discussed. And that is why ESPN, on Tuesday morning, published its latest incremental burp; Tebow is working out for 20 MLB teams on Aug. 30.

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Three reporters chipped in; Jerry Crasnick reported the showcase, Adam Schefter reported the number of involved teams and Darren Rovell reported that Tebow worked out for the Dodgers ahead of the season.

It may seem like a too-large amount of manpower to spend on the whole deal, but it isn't, really. ESPN has manpower to burn, and the Tebow business, after all these years, remains a profitable one. Can't knock it.

What's dumb about today's exercise, though, is a lack of context. "Twenty MLB teams to attend Tim Tebow's workout" implies that two-thirds of the league wants a piece of the dude — that there's demand for his services — when the obvious reality is that they're showing up out of obligation and curiosity.

Tebow is 29 years old. He hasn't played competitive baseball since the first year of George W. Bush's second term. He was really good, as SN detailed back in 2013, but, again, 2005. Twenty-nine years old. Major League Baseball. The workout is news because he's Tim Tebow, a semi-interesting/super-famous quasi-prospect. Knowing the number of interested teams, on its own, isn't particularly instructive.  

MORE: Tebow has 'no chance,' Curt Schilling says

On "SportsCenter," Tim Kurkjian said it well: "These things are done all the time, and I think it's great what Tim Tebow is trying to do here ... but the only warning is there's a huge jump from high-school baseball to college baseball. There's a bigger jump from college to pro ball. And then once you get to pro ball, that jump from rookie league to the big leagues is enormous also."

That's a necessary thing to remember for everyone involved. Tebow trying this at all is interesting enough. It deserves attention — and it deserves context, too.

Sean Gentille