Baseball Hall of Fame should do more to honor game's legendary writers

Graham Womack

Baseball Hall of Fame should do more to honor game's legendary writers image
Cooperstown Chances this week examines the so-called 'writers' wing' of Baseball Hall of Fame case of one candidate each week.

What it is: Let’s be clear. There isn’t really a writers’ wing at the Baseball Hall of Fame, even if that’s one of the most enduring myths about the place. Writers aren’t inducted into the Hall of Fame, even if other writers and fans seem to repeat this myth every summer.

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What Cooperstown has is a “Scribes and Mikemen” exhibit that honors writers who win the J.G. Taylor Spink Award for “meritorious contributions to baseball writing” and broadcasters who win the Ford C. Frick Award . Each year, these award winners get to speak during induction weekend which is maybe part of the reason they’re seen as Hall of Famers. Or maybe the phrase “writers’ wing” just sounds more marketable than “media exhibit.”

The confusion over the name and role of the media exhibit at Cooperstown isn’t what bothers me most about it. My primary irk is that save for Roger Angell, who won the Spink award in 2014, the only writers in the exhibit are members of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America, traditionally newspaper beat writers and columnists.

This isn’t meant as a dig at Jim Murray, Red Smith or Shirley Povich, all writers who’ve influenced me. This also isn’t meant as a dig at the media exhibit, which I know I’ll check out the next time I’m in Cooperstown. I’d just like to see the exhibit expanded to include some of my favorite baseball writers who did work that placed them outside the BBWAA: Lawrence Ritter, Robert Creamer, Roger Kahn, John Thorn and Bill James to name five of the most deserving writers not in the exhibit, though there are many others.

Baseball has a long and superb history of writing that spans several mediums: books, magazine, and in recent years, the Internet. To have the writers’ exhibit, as of 2016, mostly consist of newspaper people seems arcane. More than this, it seems incomplete, not really representative of everyone who’s made a meritorious contribution to baseball writing.

Cooperstown chances: With Angell being added to the exhibit in 2014, perhaps more non-BBWAA members will follow in the future. When it will happen, though, is anyone’s guess.

Why: The media exhibit is to some extent the BBWAA’s tribute to itself. It’s hard to see the BBWAA passing up aging members waiting on the honor to break with tradition. It did so for Angell, but Angell was also probably the most inarguable choice of any living baseball writer without a BBWAA card. He received the Spink award at 93, after a half century of wonderful writing for The New Yorker. If Angell had done his column for The New York Times, he’d have been in the media exhibit at Cooperstown 20 years ago.

If the BBWAA ever wants to, though, it has a wealth of superb non-members it can look to honor. Kahn might be the most similar candidate to Angell. He doesn’t quite inspire the same reverential glow, but The Boys of Summer has long been in the canon of great baseball writing. Time is of the essence for honoring Kahn, who turned 88 in October. When I approached Kahn’s family about an interview for this piece, they told me he’s lost most of his hearing.

Ritter, whose 1966 oral history The Glory of Their Times is arguably the greatest baseball book ever, died in 2004. Creamer died in 2012, though in an interview six months before his death he told me it didn’t bother him that he’s not in the writers’ exhibit. Creamer said:

The BBWAA was an important and valuable organization when it was founded back in the 1910s and it continued to be vigorous and important until the 1950s, when TV began to boom and newspapers began to die. In the middle 1950s just after Sports Illustrated began it rankled me that the BBWAA kept non-newspaper sportswriters like me out but it quickly became a non-issue. It simply did not matter. In its early years I believe the BBWAA controlled the pressboxes but in my experience the clubs’ PR people did, so who needed the BBWAA? It existed for the Baseball Writers Dinner, which used to be great fun and may still be, but otherwise it simply does not mean much anymore, and its annual award is just another item of clutter, a good-attendance medal. In the last fifty years I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a magazine writer or a TV broadcaster moan because he or she wasn’t a member. Or maybe they do complain but who really cares? I hope I don’t sound bitter or spiteful because I don’t feel that way. I just don’t think the BBWAA has much significance. I’m not complaining, honest. I know I’ve written some good stuff but I’ve never felt I was on a level with, say, Larry Ritter, John Lardner, Ed Linn or Roger Angell, and I don’t recall any of them being given awards by the BBWAA. Perhaps I’m wrong but to answer your question, no, it doesn’t irk me.

Sabermetrics pioneers and longtime baseball authors Thorn and James are still living, and I suspect neither would say their absence from the exhibit bothers them much, if at all. (James has a case to be inducted as an actual Hall of Famer based on his contributions as a statistician considering Henry Chadwick has a plaque; but that’s for another time.) Maybe writers aren’t fretting over this. But I’d still like to see the Hall of Fame do something to make the writers’ exhibit more inclusive than it is.

Kahn, Ritter, Creamer, Thorn and James are just a few of the possible honorees. Via Twitter direct message, Keith Olbermann told me of other potential honorees, with Olbermann saying that “the primary requisite should be changing our understanding of the game and/or its history.” Olbermann mentioned:

  • Robert Peterson, whose 1970 book, Only the Ball Was White helped capture Negro League history and get a number of long-overdue players such as Satchel Paige and Josh Gibson into the Hall of Fame;
  • Harold Seymour and Dorothy Seymour-Mills, who wrote a series of pioneering baseball history books, beginning in 1961;
  • Ball Four author Jim Bouton;
  • The folks responsible for The Baseball Encyclopedia published in 1969, and people like Sy Turkin and S.C. Thompson who edited earlier encyclopedias.

How it’s possible to get more of these people in the media exhibit, I don’t know. I suspect if more non-BBWAA members were to be added on anything other than an occasional, piecemeal basis, direction would have to come from the Hall of Fame. Therein lies the problem. I think the Hall of Fame simply has many other more pressing issues to deal with. There’s a museum to run, a generation of Steroid Era candidates still on the writers’ ballot who might require a special committee at some point.

The Hall of Fame can take significant action when it wants to. It convened a special committee to induct 17 Negro League players and executives in 2006. But their absence from Cooperstown was a far greater injustice than the writers mentioned here. Really, it’s not even on the same planet, and it still took a half century after the death of the Negro Leagues to rectify. Change is so glacial sometimes at the Hall of Fame, even when it’s sorely needed.

I doubt revamping and modernizing the media exhibit at the Hall of Fame is big priority at this point. I’ll hold out hope, though.

Cooperstown Chances examines the Baseball Hall of Fame case of one candidate each week. Series author and Sporting News contributor Graham Womack writes regularly about the Hall of Fame and other topics related to baseball history at his website,  Baseball: Past and Present . Follow him on Twitter: @grahamdude .

Graham Womack