Embrace the wave at baseball games

Jesse Spector

Embrace the wave at baseball games image

Having had a long-standing history of standing up — or sitting down, as it were — against the wave, this is a difficult thing to say, but a thing that must be said, one that hopefully will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment in life.

The wave is OK.

Fans do the wave at Dodger Stadium. (Getty Images)

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Actually, the wave is better than OK. The wave is one of the greatest expressions of democracy and free will that we have in society, let alone in sports, and it is a profoundly American concept that has spread globally.

Think about how the wave starts. It begins in the marketplace of ideas, with someone saying to him or herself, “it would be cool to do the wave right now.” One person alone cannot start the wave. There must be organizing done. If you have seen a wave start, you know that it begins with someone shouting, “One! Two! Three! WHOOOOOOOO!” In order for the wave to catch on, there must be support from enough people in a section to get it going.

Once the wave starts, there is no guarantee it will catch on. The wave has to prove to be a popular enough activity for people in multiple sections of a crowd to take part. It is not uncommon to see a wave start in Section 101, carry through Sections 102 and 103, then die in Section 104 because fans there veto it.

A successful wave must continue throughout the entire stadium, winning over a majority — a supermajority, really — of the stadium populace. Not participating is the default option, as it takes the act of standing up and raising your hands to affirm that you are on board with the wave.

At the old Yankee Stadium, when the bleachers were truly separate from the rest of The House That Ruth Built, the Bronx’s staunchest supporters, the Bleacher Creatures, were conscientious objectors, remaining seated while waves would cascade around the grandstand. They might chant “take the wave to Shea!” but if the wave was popular enough to carry around the rest of the stadium, it would jump over the bleachers, from one outfield section of box seats to another.

This is fine. Not everyone has to like the wave, and attempts to shout down popular ideas are just as much a part of the democratic process as getting an idea to catch on in the first place.

Fans do the wave at Yankee Stadium. (Getty Images)

The wave generally is seen as a scourge by the most rabid fans, the ones who are paying the highest level of attention to the game. That the wave can catch on as regularly as it does should be a good reminder that die-hard fans are a vocal minority. Ballparks fill up with people who want to see a game, but are mostly concerned with having a fun time outside the house. Often, they have children, and do you know who really loves the wave? Kids.

OK, not all kids, but for most kids, the wave is exciting and fun to watch as it travels across a sea of humanity. Then, when it comes around to your section, it’s a reason to stand up and scream as loud as you can.

The wave goes around the ballpark a few times, and then people get tired of it. They have had enough wave for now. A few minutes after it began, the wave is over. Most people in the stadium around you have had a few minutes of innocent fun, and some kids will take home the memory of the crowd and the wave above everything else from their experience at the ballpark — a positive memory, and one that will get them excited to return to a baseball game, where they will eventually get more interested in the actual baseball.

Is that something really worth getting worked up to fight against? Who are any of us to tell people that their legal, harmless and ultimately democratic way of enjoying an entertainment product is the wrong way to have fun? Do the wave, or don't do the wave, it'll be over in a few minutes, and let people who want to have fun doing it go ahead without trying to shame them.

Better to save the rage for something that really is a scourge against society: Yankees, Red Sox and Giants replica home jerseys with names on the back, and any use of camouflage print in sports uniforms.

Jesse Spector