To swing or not to swing: The key question in pitcher-hitter matchups

Dan Weigel

To swing or not to swing: The key question in pitcher-hitter matchups image

In theory, a balance exists in the pitcher-hitter chess match regarding the number of pitches thrown in the strike zone and the frequency at which a hitter swings.

Pitchers would throw enough pitches in the zone to keep batters honest but not so many that a batter always knows the pitch will be a strike. Hitters take enough pitches to force the pitcher to throw the ball in the zone but not so many that the pitcher can steal strikes from an excessively patient hitter.

There are additional factors at play, but in most cases, a balance between these two rates should be reached. This season the league average balance equates to pitchers throwing strikes 45.4 percent of the time and generating swings at a 47.5 clip. Most pitchers have rates within a few percentage points of these numbers. In graphical form, the 86 qualified pitchers stack up as follows.

Most pitchers are within a few percentage points in the middle of the graph, with both figures checking in just below 50 percent. There are a few unsurprising tendencies to the chart. For example, some of the pitchers with lower walk rates, like Bartolo Colon, David Price and Jordan Zimmermann, skew to the right, meaning they throw more pitches in the zone than other pitchers. The pitchers at the top, such as Carlos Carrasco, Chris Sale, and Danny Salazar, have the highest swing rate and seem to have some of the best stuff. The left and bottom trend towards the respective opposites.

There are a few outliers, however. On the right, Phil Hughes throws a massive three percent more pitches in the zone than any other pitcher. At the top, Max Scherzer generates 3.4 percent more swings than any other pitcher. On the left, Francisco Liriano (the circle to the left of Keuchel, label not shown) throws 3.1 percent fewer strikes than anyone not named Dallas Keuchel.

What is it about these outliers that make their zone-swing balance so different than their peers? Let’s examine each of these outliers in greater detail to try to pinpoint their unique qualities that lead to these unusual figures.

Phil Hughes

Twins’ starter Phil Hughes throws pitches in the zone a whopping three percent more than any other qualified pitcher. Interestingly enough, Hughes has actually reduced his zone rate by a full 1.5 percent since last season, from 56.4 down to a still high 54.9 this year. He experienced great success with the high zone rate last year, but has seen his overall effectiveness drop significantly in his second season with the Twins, so other variables are likely at play.

Hughes’s strikeout rate has plummeted this season, dropping from a very good 21.8 percent mark to a below-average 14.0 percent figure this year. One could argue that he would get more strikeouts by tempting batters to chase pitches outside the strike zone more often, but Hughes has experienced success getting batters to swing through pitches in the strikezone as recently as last season. The approach has worked before.

The issue is a regression in the quality of his arsenal, especially in generating swinging strikes. Last season, Hughes lived in the zone with success, but he needed high quality stuff to maintain a feasible 8.9 percent whiff rate, record strikeouts, and avoid getting hit. This season, that whiff rate has fallen to an abysmal 5.5 percent, well below the league average rate of 9.8 percent. Consequently, opposing hitters have enjoyed a contact rate over ten percent higher than average against Hughes this season. With high quality stuff last season, the Twins’ righthander proved that he could beat hitters in the zone. This season, his stuff is not fooling anyone, and he is the one getting beat in the zone.

Max Scherzer

Nationals’ ace Max Scherzer’s 55.5 percent swing rate is the highest of his career and well above his career average of 48.2 percent. Hitters are swinging much more against him this season, both in and out of the zone, and having much less success.

Of the 50.2 percent of Scherzer’s pitches thrown in the strike zone, not all are created equal. The righty has recorded a well-above league average 71.9 percent first pitch strike rate, over ten percent higher than the league’s 61 percent mark. This high first pitch strike rate puts batters in negative counts more frequently, where batters swing more often. A hitter cannot be as selective when already behind in the count, instead they must offer at the 1-2 fastball on the black or strike out looking.

It also seems likely that as a strikeout pitcher whose 15.4 percent whiff rate makes him extremely dangerous with two strikes, opposing hitters strive to make early contact against Scherzer. Instead of taking a passive approach and getting into a deep count, a logical approach against the Cy Young candidate would be to be the aggressor, swinging early and often and not letting Scherzer get to two strikes with ease. No approach has worked very well against him this season, and there is no perfect formula for reaching base against a pitcher with such a formidable combination of stuff and control (he has nearly halved his walk rate this season, from 7 percent down to 3.6 percent), but swinging early and often seems like opponents’ current approach of choice.

Francisco Liriano

The final outlier we will examine is Francisco Liriano. The Pirates’ lefty throws just 36.8 percent of his pitches in the strikezone, the lowest rate in the league but interestingly not the lowest rate of his career. Last season he threw just 35 percent of his pitches in the zone, and unsurprisingly had a problem with walks. This season he has cut the walks down from 11.7 percent to a more manageable 9.5 percent.

Liriano does well by working low in the zone, especially with his slider, allowing him to record desired high strikeout and ground ball rates. The slider location is the biggest reason for his low zone rate. Liriano's slider location this season is shown on the chart below.

It seems that Liriano has no intention of throwing the slider in the strikezone. The pitch is almost exclusively targeted down and to his glove side (in to a righty, away from a lefty). Only 28.6 percent of his sliders – a pitch that he uses exactly 33 percent of the time – are thrown in the strike zone. That figure drags his overall average down significantly, to the point where opposing hitters could stand to gain an advantage by taking more pitches against him. Laying off of the slider is much easier said than done, but as Liriano throws his slider in the zone just over a quarter of the time, laying off the pitch would result in opposing hitters finding themselves in more favorable counts more frequently.

Dan Weigel is a contributor at Sporting News. A former pitcher at Bucknell University, he is spending the summer involved in British baseball, most recently helping the London Mets claim Britian's National Baseball League Championship. Follow him on Twitter at @DanWeigel38.

Dan Weigel